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Author Topic: issue with automatic screenshotter  (Read 20244 times)


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issue with automatic screenshotter
« on: May 08, 2017, 09:54 AM »
I found another issue with automatic screenshotter.  It seems that there is something wrong with the cleanup/delete of old screenshots.  I had it set to "0" for number of screenshots to keep, 500mb for disk space, and 500 for days to keep.  It was automatically deleting screenshots that were about 17 hours old... there were about 1000 screenshots in that time.  I don't remember if 1000 was the original default for number of screenshots to keep before I set it to 0, but it might have been.

I have now changed the configuration to "0" for all three settings, and I restarted.  Will post back here if the behavior changes at all.


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2017, 10:02 AM »
Whoops... I just realized that I mis-read the second option.  It says "delete screenshots to ensure disk usage is below this value".  I thought it meant "delete screenshots if available disk space is below this value".

So, doing the math, it seems I probably had about 500mb of screenshots saved, which is why it was deleting them.  Now that I've set it to 0, it shouldn't delete anymore.


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2017, 01:37 AM »
FWIW, I read the same out of that sentence (although it stands clearly what that option does)
I just had another expectation and that was what I read... the same as you.



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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2017, 04:56 AM »
Hi Jesse, FYI, I don't want to complain, thanks for that app anyway  :Thmbsup:

Why I get cut pictures of some dialogs?


(o) Active Window or desktop, if none (default)

2017.05.09_09.47.36_as--Forum.pngissue with automatic screenshotter
This is a shot of Device Manager > USB > context menu > Properties

2017.05.09_09.51.56_as--Forum.pngissue with automatic screenshotter
This is a full screen app > File open dialog

The big sized WinExplorer windows are captured with desktop background, fine, but only the top left half, not the WinEx window in whole.
2017.05.09_09.56.12_as--Forum.pngissue with automatic screenshotter

It's always the same problem: only top left part is captured.

2017.05.09_09.58.21_as----Forum.pngissue with automatic screenshotter


Other dialog are captured fine.


Splash pictures (on software start) are captured with some part of the background.
2017.05.09_09.55.40_as--Forum.pngissue with automatic screenshotter

But that is probably intended?
OK, no big problem.

- - -

Another problem:

the pictures are stored with 300dpi.

If I insert them in WordTM, they are very small.

I have to modify the screenshots beforehand
and batch set them all to 96dpi, then they are fine for my use with WordTM.

Maybe you can add an option to set the wanted DPI on save time?

« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 05:09 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2017, 07:15 AM »
Ugh! Someone reported that to me a month ago and I couldn't find the problem, but taking another look after your post I think I found it.. The manifest was not being built properly.

Please re-download and let me know if it's solved.

As a bonus I added custom DPI option (Miscellaneous tab) and defaulted it to 96.


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2017, 08:53 AM »
Thank you!
Please allow me a few days till I have another need to take a whole bunch of shots.



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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2017, 08:08 AM »
Looks fine now on W7/64 and W8.1/64  :Thmbsup:

No cut pictures anymore now (only if a wider dialog is in front of a smaller one,
the size of the smaller is taken instead of the wider one.
I think because the smaller has still the focus. No big deal for me.)

- - -

I want to capture the context menu of an icon in TRAY.
First I can't, because option "Don't capture .... less...pixel: 80" was set.
Instead the whole desktop was captured, incl. open Tray fly-out window.

Next I disable that option, now a small part of the top left area of my desktop is captured,
instead of the context menu in the lower right.

- - -

But there are no change about DPI settings on the app I had downloaded:

"AutomaticScreenshotterPortable_1.06.1_(2017-05-07).zip...5.809.160   .....09.05.2017 16:06 German time saved to my disk"

"AutomaticScreenshotter.exe    .......................................6.536.464   .....09.05.2017 14:12"

Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 09:05 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2017, 10:17 AM »
Good to hear the window size fix is working.

As for the dpi settings, can you re-download? Then check the Miscellaneous tab at the bottom.


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2017, 08:39 AM »

AutomaticScreenshotter.exe   6.536.464   09.05.2017 21:57

- cut windows is fixed
- DPI-settings are there , set to 96 and works


- menu from tray icon and from application are not captured at all (not true, some work),
I only see cursor over pushed button, but menu is not on screenshot.

If I find a problematic application where screenshot of the menu not work and which is easy to download for your tests, I will report back.
(At the moment I only have commercial SW with big download size, or portable but old, now no freeware anymore soft)
(Update: now with another test, I see the same as yesterday on screenshot of menu of tray icon >> a region more on the top left of my screen is captured instead)

Till then, thanks for AS.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 08:53 AM by AbteriX »


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2017, 08:42 AM »
It may be that the Active window capture is getting confused when a menu is the focus, thinking its an active window of some sort but getting the size wrong?

I concur with your plan -- we need to find a small repeatable test that I can reproduce.


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2017, 09:37 AM »
- menu from tray icon and from application are not captured at all (not true, some work),
I only see cursor over pushed button, but menu is not on screenshot.
Maybe some video-driver (updates available from the manufacturer, don't rely on Windows Update for that) or AV related issues?


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2017, 01:13 PM »
That's a good point, Ath, and I had should mentioned that I had tested the last time in a virtual machine of VirtualBox.
But I doesn't encounter that issue with other screenshot tools before, which I test most in a VM first (like other tools too)
On the other hand, I posted about that issue on Wednesday first, and there I worked on a real W732 Laptop (remote, ok, but that doesn't matter I think)



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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2017, 01:20 PM »
- menu from tray icon and from application are not captured at all (not true, some work),
I only see cursor over pushed button, but menu is not on screenshot.

Is it possible the screenshot is happening right BEFORE the menu is displayed?
That is, if you have it take a screenshot every 1 second, do you then get the capture of the menu?


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2017, 01:59 PM »
(remote, ok, but that doesn't matter I think)
I beg to differ in opinion by experience. The most annoying screen-, and keyboard- for that matter, issues I have experienced where when using (any) remote desktop control software. They do actually manipulate the video-buffers directly, by their drivers or in other ways, so that would have been my nr.1 suspect in your situation.


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2017, 02:38 AM »
Ath    ;D,

AS was running at that other PC,... both I controlled remotely.
After finishing my work, I copied the captured screenshots to my PC
and on importing them into WordTM I saw the flaws I mentioned above.

Thanks for support  :Thmbsup:


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Re: issue with automatic screenshotter
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2017, 02:45 AM »
- menu from tray icon and from application are not captured at all (not true, some work),
I only see cursor over pushed button, but menu is not on screenshot.

Is it possible the screenshot is happening right BEFORE the menu is displayed?
That is, if you have it take a screenshot every 1 second, do you then get the capture of the menu?

After I saw the 'flaws', I tested by hovering for a longer time over the menu(s) while had AS set to capture every 3 seconds.
(duh, I wanted to post my AS settings, but then.... arrrg)
So sooner or later one shot should have taken the -what are the pop-ups called?... fly-out menu?

I will sure have a need to capture more the next week and will report back.