thanks all.
I gotta remember to stop making posts a 2 am.
After giving it more thought in the light of day, i realized that I was making life hard for myself. The reason for the rtf is that the written text can become active URL's once they are selected and clicked whereas in a text file this does not happen.
if i could have "read" the contents of the file whether rtf or txt into the body of the email line by line so it would retain the proper formatting, this would have solved the problem as the email body is html.
However: After giving it a lot of thought, I decided that the person i was doing this for was going to have to give up and just open the attached file itself and from there either copy the link to a browser or do with it as they may need to get where they want to go.
But.. at 2am .. sometimes things don't look the same.
I am also currently caring for two very ill Flu victims
(wife and daughter)
Either way, i have dropped the idea of making life easier for this person.
My only glitch in the works now is that there is almost NO way to get Outlook to SEND the blasted email once composed except by use of the vbs script here which is one I configured a year or so ago. It was designed to be a 'drag and drop' email app which it works great for. You see a brief BLINK and the email is gone.
Unfortunately. I need to tie all this to the nightly backup which is a batch script. I can use 'ipm.note' to build the email in batch and it works great!
BUT it wont SEND it.
I can build the file in the batch then use the VBS to send it ..
so far i have been unable to reconfigure the vbs to use a specific file rather than working as designed to capture the files dropped onto the VBS script.
This is from a lack of knowing much about WSH i am sure. The original VBS file was one I reconfigure for my needs at the time. And it still works perfect for what i needed as i use it every day to drag and drop all kinds text files or zip files etc that i need to email to myself.
If you happen to see how i can set it to send a specific file at "C:\lists\listname.rtf" as the only attachment? That would do the trick.
Once the backup runs, i can call that vbs to send the resulting list.rtf to the person that needs it. and it would all happen "auto-magically" at 4 am every night when the backup ran without me doing anything.
So i can go back to taking care of the ill.
PS: 4WD I think what I was doing back then was sending an image file? And i think we did end up with a BLAT script to do it? I wil revisit that as soon as i get a few minutes to do so. But if BLAT was how it worked it may not "fly" now with the new exchange server setup and al the security checks on email configurations.
But it might work. And i will look at that option.
I just know for SURE if i can get the VBS to handle a single named file at a specific location that it will for 100% sure work.