I wonder...
If women hadn't entered the workforce in droves, what would be the average current rate of pay for most careers? My guess is it would be a lot higher than it is now.
I also think that parents take the wrong approach with saving for their children's education. I think it would be better to cut the amount they dump into college funds in half, and put it in a retirement fund for their kids instead...and the rest into their own retirement fund.
Try not to end up as a burden to your children in your old age and help them not to be one to their kids.
It was something I wrote about in my blog a bit back:
http://cranialsoup.b...ee-is-expensive.htmlI, too, an part of a single income family...I chose to be a stay at home mom...and now am a stay at home wife. (unfortunately I married a very old fashioned guy who doesn't like the idea of his wife having any sort of career even when the kids are all grown)
I think being there when my daughter was growing up was a good thing for all of us, especially her, and I don't regret that part of it at all.
Yes, it has been a struggle, and continues to be one, but I don't think my daughter would be as great of a person that she is today if she was raised by babysitters so I could work.
And raising kids on 1 income has a great effect on the family...teaches us all what is and isn't important. You don't need designer clothes and ipods to be happy.
And making due with what you have brings out the creative side in people. I am an expert at creating something from nothing and tend to think up rather inexpensive creative solutions to what would be a costly problem to someone else. I am one of the goddesses of creative frugality and have passed on my wisdom to my daughter. We have raised it to an art-form!