I have the bug. I just completed my first build of the Iris, a split, ortho-linear, 60% keyboard. I'm expecting my keycaps to be delivered today. I've already bought the PCB and case to make another one as parts aren't always in stock. This is a relatively new keyboard, (has only been out for a few months) so the supply/demand has yet to be ironed out.
I promise to get pictures on here once I get my keycaps put on, which will hopefully be taken tonight and uploaded tomorrow.
Price breakdown:
PCB and Plates/case - ~$50 - Found at
keeb.ioLEDs and Resistors - ~$15 - The build guide recommends using 470s, but I used 220s on the resistors and 2x3x4 LEDs -
LEDs Resistors *note: There are several choices. I got one that had several different types.*
Pro-micro and Header Pins ~$45 - I bought SparkFun pro-micros due to the high reviews they got. I've had friends spend $6-9 dollars on pro-micros and they ran into issues with ports breaking off after a single plug/unplug. These are about $20 each, (need one for each side) but they are sturdy. I'm sure that's not the case for all the pro-micros, but I want this to last and don't want to have to desolder/resolder a new pro-micro if one decides to break.
Pro-microSwitches - ~$20 - Gateron blues/browns. Browns for my alpha numeric, and blues for my modifier keys (shift, function, space, etc)
SwitchesKey caps - ~$70 - Split purchase between
WASDkeyboards and
MAXkeyboard. WASD had the color's I wanted, and MAX had the pricing and printing options I wanted.
Add shipping/handling to this and I ended up around $215 or so.
It'll make more sense once I upload some pictures. I've typed in Dvorak for about 12 years, but I also game quite a bit. I got pretty tired of some games not allowing you to change the keymaps, so I built a gaming layer that removes that problem. I'm also left handed, so the games I can remap the keys, I usually bind on my 10-key. This keyboard isn't your standard, so I built a 10-key on a different Layer, and keep in mind that this is still very new to me, so I'm still tampering with the layers.
Base Layer: My Dvorak layout.
Mechanical KeyboardsLeft Layer: Keys to allow for the 10-key while pressing the L-FN key.
Mechanical KeyboardsRight Layer: Keys to allow media and arrow keys while pressing the R-FN key.
Mechanical KeyboardsGame Layer: Left side of a standard Qwerty keyboard, with a few adjustments based on games I play.
Mechanical KeyboardsGLayer: Right side of a standard Qwerty keyboard while pressing the R-FN key to allow for the rest of the Qwerty access.
Mechanical KeyboardsStill a heavy WIP, but it's working so far. I'm pretty happy with the way I have things so far, but I know I still have room to adjust things. I also didn't include some of the less used keys like Print Screen and Pause Break, or Num-lock(Don't need that one anymore) Also, I have the ability to double tap the Shift key and it becomes a caps lock toggle. If I press and hold it, it's just the Shift key, so there are a lot of things like that, that I still need to get a feel for. I love being able to tweak things, somewhat simply, by modifying the firmware and reflashing my pro-micro.