I received this in an email today in reply to a request for font sources:
http://groups.yahoo....p/TotallyKrazyFonts/This is a list that used to be on AOL only, and has since moved to Yahoo Groups and now anybody can join. Despite this, it's still an AOL style mailing list. (If you join, you will learn what that means)
What you will receive is 10 fonts in your email inbox every day, Monday thru Friday. They will arrive as email attachments, one attachment per email. (no zips) This means each font will have its own email for a total of 10 each day. There will be a graphic in each email to preview the font that is attached. Keep the ones you like, delete the ones you don't.
Keep your mailbox from getting full and make sure you do what you have to to prevent any mailings from the list ending up in your filters as spam. If there is a bounceback you will most likely be removed from the mailing list instantly. Make sure your settings will allow attachments.
You don't have to do anything but sign up in order to get them. You are allowed to share the fonts you receive with others and even forward mailings from the list to your friends.
The group was founded on Yahoo in 2004, currently has 791 members, and has been very active. June's email count was 209 messages.