It's already telling you in the image that they have nothing on the program, i.e. no description found under the blank image. This is the standard dialog that happens when something tries to register itself. It's likely that you have a larger problem. I'd personally be worried. But if you're not, let it register itself, and then look in the startup locations to see if something has truly registered there before you reboot. I've had WinPatrol by the simple measure of monitoring save me a lot of trouble when the initial problem didn't trip any other antivirus.
Okay, you have my attention and I'm listening and worried.
The past behavior pattern is that no matter what winpatrol option I choose, permit or refuse, it's always back with the same thing on subsequent reboots.
Except--originally it was always the same initial mystery number; now, it changes each reboot.
How about if I post a set of screen shots of winpatrol's startup list with the mystery program rejected, then reboot, permit the item to start, and create a new set. Maybe something will show, maybe not. So here goes...
The next three pictures will be with mystery program rejected by winpatrol from start-up and start menu.
Edit: I rebooted, and the mystery program has not reappeared again yet; if or when it does, I will make a new post here about it, but until it does reappear, I guess there won't be much to say.