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Author Topic: Looking back (Some of your first code)  (Read 3887 times)


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Looking back (Some of your first code)
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:02 PM »
So, I recently stumbled on my first real C project, back from high school. It is pretty bad. And I thought it would be fun to share with you guys and maybe get to see some of the first code you guys did in whatever capacity you can find. I also have code from the first major Lua project I did. Both were written around the same time.

C code:
The below code is for a master microcontroller that calculates game of life and sends the "game" field to another microcontroller that had a charlieplexed 8x7 led display that displayed it. A video of it in action can be found here
comments are translated from danish and I have commented on the comments in parentheses (pastebin link)
#include <htc.h> //PIC hardware mapping
#include <delay.c>
#include <I2CMaster.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//config bits


/////////// Constants ///////////
#define LEDPLADE8PIN 1 // Defines how many light plates with 8pins that's attached (Not ever actually used, was supposed to be able to handle more than one)

/////////// Bit manipulation functions ///////////

void clear_bit(unsigned char *x, char bitNum){
*x &= ~(1 << bitNum);
void set_bit(unsigned char *x, char bitNum) {
*x |= (1 << bitNum);
unsigned char get_bit(unsigned char x, char bitNum) {
return x & (1 << bitNum);

/////////////// Function prototypes for patterns //////////////////

void glider(void);
void lwss(void);
void toad(void);
void kasse(void);
void blinker(void);
void randompat(void);

/////////// Variables ///////////

////////// GAME OF LIFE ///////////

char LifeGameBuf[2][7];
char LiveCount;
char FirstEvol;
char Pattern;
char NewPattern;


char i; // Indexes
char j;

char I2C_Address; // Defines the i2c address we want to write to
char I2C_i; // Defines what type of byte we want to send (I don't remember what this is, and it is apparently unused)

/////////// Main program ///////////
void main(void){ // Start


/////////// Opsætning ///////////

/////////// Opsætning af SSP modul ///////////

TRISC = 0b00011000; // Sets port C pin 3 and 4 to be inputs
SSPADD = 39; // Defines the baudrate of the i2c communications
SSPCON = 0b00101000; // Configuration and start of SSP module
SSPCON2 = 0b00000000;
SSPSTAT = 0b11000000;
SSPIE = 1; // Enable interrupt on i2c communication start
SSPIF = 0;

/////////// Setup of interrupts ///////////

PEIE = 1;
GIE = 1; // Global interrupt enable

/////////// GAME OF LIFE ///////////

LiveCount = 0;
Pattern = 0;
NewPattern = 0;


/////////// Runs in a loop from here (Obviously not) ///////////

/////////// Pattern change ///////////
TRISD = 0b00000010; // Set pins on port D as input and output
PORTD = 0b00001000; // Drive current to RD3 pin
if(RD3 == 0){ // I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THIS WORKS (Basically, the code here sets a pin, then checks if it is set. It worked, I still have no idea why)
Pattern = Pattern + 1;
NewPattern = 1;
if(Pattern > 5) Pattern = 0;
if(Pattern == 0) glider();
else if(Pattern == 1) lwss();
else if(Pattern == 2) toad();
else if(Pattern == 3) kasse();
else if(Pattern == 4) blinker();
else if(Pattern == 5) randompat();
NewPattern = 0;

//////////////// Blink light to indicate when the next generations of game of life is calculated /////////////////
PORTD = 0;
PORTD = 1;

//////////////// Game of Life /////////////////
for(i=0; i<7; i++){
for(j=0; j<8; j++){
if(i == 0){
if(j == 0){
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
else if (j == 7){
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][6],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
else if(i == 6){
if(j == 0){
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
else if (j == 7){
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][0],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(j == 0){
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],7)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
else if (j == 7){
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],0)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i-1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j+1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;
if(get_bit(LifeGameBuf[0][i+1],j-1)) LiveCount = LiveCount + 1;

if(LiveCount < 2){clear_bit(&LifeGameBuf[1][i],j);}
else if(LiveCount == 2 && get_bit(LifeGameBuf[1][i],j) == 1){set_bit(&LifeGameBuf[1][i],j);}
else if(LiveCount == 2 && get_bit(LifeGameBuf[1][i],j) == 0){clear_bit(&LifeGameBuf[1][i],j);}
else if(LiveCount == 3){set_bit(&LifeGameBuf[1][i],j);}
else if(LiveCount > 3){clear_bit(&LifeGameBuf[1][i],j);}
LiveCount = 0;

for(i=0; i<7; i++){
LifeGameBuf[0][i] = LifeGameBuf[1][i];
FirstEvol = 0; // No longer first generation

////////////// SEND TO DISPLAY /////////////////

} // End

static void interrupt isr(void)

if(SSPIF){ // Was it a i2c interrupt?
SSPIF = 0; // Clear SSP interrupt flag

/////////// Game of Life pattern funftions ///////////

void glider() {

LifeGameBuf[0][0] = 0b00100000;
LifeGameBuf[0][1] = 0b10100000;
LifeGameBuf[0][2] = 0b01100000;
LifeGameBuf[0][3] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][4] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][5] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][6] = 0b00000000;

LifeGameBuf[1][0] = LifeGameBuf[0][0];
LifeGameBuf[1][1] = LifeGameBuf[0][1];
LifeGameBuf[1][2] = LifeGameBuf[0][2];
LifeGameBuf[1][3] = LifeGameBuf[0][3];
LifeGameBuf[1][4] = LifeGameBuf[0][4];
LifeGameBuf[1][5] = LifeGameBuf[0][5];
LifeGameBuf[1][6] = LifeGameBuf[0][6];

FirstEvol = 1;

void lwss() {

LifeGameBuf[0][0] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][1] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][2] = 0b00110000;
LifeGameBuf[0][3] = 0b11011000;
LifeGameBuf[0][4] = 0b11110000;
LifeGameBuf[0][5] = 0b01100000;
LifeGameBuf[0][6] = 0b00000000;

LifeGameBuf[1][0] = LifeGameBuf[0][0];
LifeGameBuf[1][1] = LifeGameBuf[0][1];
LifeGameBuf[1][2] = LifeGameBuf[0][2];
LifeGameBuf[1][3] = LifeGameBuf[0][3];
LifeGameBuf[1][4] = LifeGameBuf[0][4];
LifeGameBuf[1][5] = LifeGameBuf[0][5];
LifeGameBuf[1][6] = LifeGameBuf[0][6];

FirstEvol = 1;

void toad() {

LifeGameBuf[0][0] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][1] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][2] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][3] = 0b00111000;
LifeGameBuf[0][4] = 0b00011100;
LifeGameBuf[0][5] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][6] = 0b00000000;

LifeGameBuf[1][0] = LifeGameBuf[0][0];
LifeGameBuf[1][1] = LifeGameBuf[0][1];
LifeGameBuf[1][2] = LifeGameBuf[0][2];
LifeGameBuf[1][3] = LifeGameBuf[0][3];
LifeGameBuf[1][4] = LifeGameBuf[0][4];
LifeGameBuf[1][5] = LifeGameBuf[0][5];
LifeGameBuf[1][6] = LifeGameBuf[0][6];

FirstEvol = 1;

void kasse() {

LifeGameBuf[0][0] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][1] = 0b00110000;
LifeGameBuf[0][2] = 0b01001000;
LifeGameBuf[0][3] = 0b01001000;
LifeGameBuf[0][4] = 0b00110000;
LifeGameBuf[0][5] = 0b00000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][6] = 0b00000000;

LifeGameBuf[1][0] = LifeGameBuf[0][0];
LifeGameBuf[1][1] = LifeGameBuf[0][1];
LifeGameBuf[1][2] = LifeGameBuf[0][2];
LifeGameBuf[1][3] = LifeGameBuf[0][3];
LifeGameBuf[1][4] = LifeGameBuf[0][4];
LifeGameBuf[1][5] = LifeGameBuf[0][5];
LifeGameBuf[1][6] = LifeGameBuf[0][6];

FirstEvol = 1;

void blinker() {

LifeGameBuf[0][0] = 0b01000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][1] = 0b01000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][2] = 0b01000000;
LifeGameBuf[0][3] = 0b00001000;
LifeGameBuf[0][4] = 0b00001000;
LifeGameBuf[0][5] = 0b00001000;
LifeGameBuf[0][6] = 0b00000000;

LifeGameBuf[1][0] = LifeGameBuf[0][0];
LifeGameBuf[1][1] = LifeGameBuf[0][1];
LifeGameBuf[1][2] = LifeGameBuf[0][2];
LifeGameBuf[1][3] = LifeGameBuf[0][3];
LifeGameBuf[1][4] = LifeGameBuf[0][4];
LifeGameBuf[1][5] = LifeGameBuf[0][5];
LifeGameBuf[1][6] = LifeGameBuf[0][6];

FirstEvol = 1;

void randompat() {

LifeGameBuf[0][0] = (char)rand();
LifeGameBuf[0][1] = (char)rand();
LifeGameBuf[0][2] = (char)rand();
LifeGameBuf[0][3] = (char)rand();
LifeGameBuf[0][4] = (char)rand();
LifeGameBuf[0][5] = (char)rand();
LifeGameBuf[0][6] = (char)rand();

LifeGameBuf[1][0] = LifeGameBuf[0][0];
LifeGameBuf[1][1] = LifeGameBuf[0][1];
LifeGameBuf[1][2] = LifeGameBuf[0][2];
LifeGameBuf[1][3] = LifeGameBuf[0][3];
LifeGameBuf[1][4] = LifeGameBuf[0][4];
LifeGameBuf[1][5] = LifeGameBuf[0][5];
LifeGameBuf[1][6] = LifeGameBuf[0][6];

FirstEvol = 1;

Fun things:

Lua code:
The below code is for a randomized gun generation thing for the game Cortex Command, a video of which can be found here. If I recall correctly, it was also my first NANY.
removed a few new lines, otherwise did nothing (pastebin link)
function Create(self)

-- Initialize variables and timers

self.smgbodylist = {};
self.smgbarrellist = {};
self.smgmaglist = {};
self.smgbulletlist = {};
self.smgsoundlist = {};
self.smgsoundlist["fire"] = {};
self.smgsoundlist["reload"] = {};
self.smgmuzzlelist = {};

self.projectileteam = -1;
self.allmodulesfound = false;
self.ammocounter = 0;
self.reloading = false;

self.Body = {};
self.Mag = {};
self.Barrel = {};
self.Bullet = {};
self.FireSound = nil;
self.ReloadSound = nil;
self.MuzzleFlash = nil;

self.firingtimer = Timer();

-- Initial stats
-- Basic stats
self.rateoffire = 700;
self.ammocapacity = 20;
self.accuracy = 25;

-- Initial modifiers
self.rofmod = 0.8 + math.random()*0.4;
self.magmod = 0.8 + math.random()*0.4;
self.accmod = 0.8 + math.random()*0.4;
self.firevelmod = 0.8 + math.random()*0.4;
self.massmod = 0.8 + math.random()*0.4;
self.sharpnessmod = 0.8 + math.random()*0.4;

-- Load body modules

-- Load barrel modules

-- Load magazines modules

-- Load bullets

-- Load muzzleflashes

-- Load sounds


function Update(self)

-- Generate gun
if self.allmodulesfound ~= true then
-- Find the attachments
for i=1,MovableMan:GetMOIDCount()-1 do
local mo = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(i);
if mo.PresetName == "SmgBody" and mo.RootID == self.RootID then
self.Body["pointer"] = ToAttachable(mo);
self.Body["pointer"].GetsHitByMOs = false;
elseif mo.PresetName == "SmgMag" and mo.RootID == self.RootID then
self.Mag["pointer"] = ToAttachable(mo);
self.Mag["pointer"].GetsHitByMOs = false;
elseif mo.PresetName == "SmgBarrel" and mo.RootID == self.RootID then
self.Barrel["pointer"] = ToAttachable(mo);
self.Barrel["pointer"].GetsHitByMOs = false;
if self.Body["pointer"] and self.Mag["pointer"] and self.Barrel["pointer"] then
self.allmodulesfound = true;

-- Body
for k,v in pairs(self.smgbodylist[math.random(1,#self.smgbodylist)]) do self.Body[k] = v end
-- for k,v in pairs(self.smgbodylist[15]) do self.Body[k] = v end
self.Body["pointer"].Frame = self.Body["sprite"];

-- Modify stat modifier with module modifier
self.rofmod = self.rofmod * self.Body["rofmod"];
self.magmod = self.magmod * self.Body["magmod"];
self.accmod = self.accmod * self.Body["accmod"];
self.firevelmod = self.firevelmod * self.Body["firevelmod"];
self.massmod = self.massmod * self.Body["massmod"];
self.sharpnessmod = self.sharpnessmod * self.Body["sharpnessmod"];

-- Mag
for k,v in pairs(self.smgmaglist[math.random(1,#self.smgmaglist)]) do self.Mag[k] = v end
-- for k,v in pairs(self.smgmaglist[16]) do self.Mag[k] = v end
self.Mag["pointer"].Frame = self.Mag["sprite"];
self.Mag["offset"] = self.Body["magoffset"];

-- Modify stat modifier with module modifier
self.rofmod = self.rofmod * self.Mag["rofmod"];
self.magmod = self.magmod * self.Mag["magmod"];
self.accmod = self.accmod * self.Mag["accmod"];
self.firevelmod = self.firevelmod * self.Mag["firevelmod"];
self.massmod = self.massmod * self.Mag["massmod"];
self.sharpnessmod = self.sharpnessmod * self.Mag["sharpnessmod"];

-- Barrel
for k,v in pairs(self.smgbarrellist[math.random(1,#self.smgbarrellist)]) do self.Barrel[k] = v end
-- for k,v in pairs(self.smgbarrellist[18]) do self.Barrel[k] = v end
self.Barrel["pointer"].Frame = self.Barrel["sprite"];
self.Barrel["offset"] = self.Body["barreloffset"];

-- Modify gun stat modifier with module modifier
self.rofmod = self.rofmod * self.Barrel["rofmod"];
self.magmod = self.magmod * self.Barrel["magmod"];
self.accmod = self.accmod * self.Barrel["accmod"];
self.firevelmod = self.firevelmod * self.Barrel["firevelmod"];
self.massmod = self.massmod * self.Barrel["massmod"];
self.sharpnessmod = self.sharpnessmod * self.Barrel["sharpnessmod"];

-- Bullet
for k,v in pairs(self.smgbulletlist[math.random(1,#self.smgbulletlist)]) do self.Bullet[k] = v end
-- for k,v in pairs(self.smgbulletlist[3]) do self.Bullet[k] = v end

-- Modify gun stat modifier with module modifier
self.rofmod = self.rofmod * self.Bullet["rofmod"];
self.magmod = self.magmod * self.Bullet["magmod"];
self.accmod = self.accmod * self.Bullet["accmod"];
self.firevelmod = self.firevelmod * self.Bullet["firevelmod"];
self.massmod = self.massmod * self.Bullet["massmod"];
self.sharpnessmod = self.sharpnessmod * self.Bullet["sharpnessmod"];

-- Fire sound

self.FireSound = self.smgsoundlist["fire"][self.Bullet["firesounds"][math.random(1,#self.Bullet["firesounds"])]];

-- Reload sound

self.ReloadSound = self.smgsoundlist["reload"][self.Mag["reloadsounds"][math.random(1,#self.Mag["reloadsounds"])]];

-- Muzzle flash

self.MuzzleFlash = self.smgmuzzlelist[self.Bullet["muzzleflash"][math.random(1,#self.Bullet["muzzleflash"])]];

-- Done generating gun, apply gun stat modifiers
self.rateoffire = Round(self.rateoffire * self.rofmod);
self.ammocapacity = Round(self.ammocapacity * self.magmod);

-- You can't be more precise than 100%
if self.accuracy > 100 then
self.accuracy = 100;
self.accuracy = Round(self.accuracy * self.accmod);

self.Bullet["firevel"] = Round(self.Bullet["firevel"] * self.firevelmod);
self.Bullet["mass"] = self.Bullet["mass"] * self.massmod;
self.Bullet["sharpness"] = Round(self.Bullet["sharpness"] * self.sharpnessmod);

-- Output gun stats to console
-- print("\nRate of fire: "..self.rateoffire.." Rounds Per Minute\nMagazine capacity: "..self.ammocapacity.." Rounds\nAccuracy: "..self.accuracy.."%\nProjectile type: "..self.Bullet["particle"].."\nProjectile mass: "..self.Bullet["mass"].."\nProjectile speed: "..self.Bullet["firevel"].."\nProjectile sharpness: "..self.Bullet["sharpness"].."\n");

self.ammocounter = self.ammocapacity;

-- Clear unneeded tables and variables
self.smgbodylist = nil;
self.smgbarrellist = nil;
self.smgmaglist = nil;
self.smgbulletlist = nil;
self.smgsoundlist = nil;
self.rofmod = nil;
self.magmod = nil;
self.accmod = nil;
self.firevelmod = nil;
self.massmod = nil;
self.sharpnessmod = nil;

-- Figure out what team is currently holding the gun
self.projectileteam = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(self.RootID).Team;

-- Move around attachables
if self.Body["pointer"].ToDelete ~= true and self.Body["pointer"].PresetName ~= "" then
if self.HFlipped then
self.Body["pointer"].Pos = self.Pos + Vector(self.Body["offset"].X * -1,self.Body["offset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.Body["pointer"].Pos = self.Pos + Vector(self.Body["offset"].X,self.Body["offset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.Body["pointer"].RotAngle = self.RotAngle;
self.Body["pointer"].HFlipped = self.HFlipped;

if self.Mag["pointer"].ToDelete ~= true and self.Mag["pointer"].PresetName ~= "" then
if self.HFlipped then
self.Mag["pointer"].Pos = self.Pos + Vector(self.Mag["offset"].X * -1,self.Mag["offset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.Mag["pointer"].Pos = self.Pos + Vector(self.Mag["offset"].X,self.Mag["offset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.Mag["pointer"].RotAngle = self.RotAngle;
self.Mag["pointer"].HFlipped = self.HFlipped;

if self.Barrel["pointer"].ToDelete ~= true and self.Barrel["pointer"].PresetName ~= "" then
if self.HFlipped then
self.Barrel["pointer"].Pos = self.Pos + Vector(self.Barrel["offset"].X * -1,self.Barrel["offset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.Barrel["pointer"].Pos = self.Pos + Vector(self.Barrel["offset"].X,self.Barrel["offset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.Barrel["pointer"].RotAngle = self.RotAngle;
self.Barrel["pointer"].HFlipped = self.HFlipped;

if self:IsActivated() and self.firingtimer:IsPastSimMS(60000 / self.rateoffire) and self.ammocounter > 0 and self.Magazine ~= nil then
self.ammocounter = self.ammocounter - 1;

-- Decide which kind of particle to create depending on the bullets particle type
if self.Bullet["particletype"] == "MOPixel" then
self.particle = CreateMOPixel(self.Bullet["particle"],"Brolands.rte");
elseif self.Bullet["particletype"] == "MOSRotating" then
self.particle = CreateMOSRotating(self.Bullet["particle"],"Brolands.rte");
elseif self.Bullet["particletype"] == "MOSParticle" then
self.particle = CreateMOSParticle(self.Bullet["particle"],"Brolands.rte");

-- Decide which kind of particle to create depending on the muzzleflashs particle type
if self.MuzzleFlash["particletype"] == "MOPixel" then
self.particle2 = CreateMOPixel(self.MuzzleFlash["particle"],"Brolands.rte");
elseif self.MuzzleFlash["particletype"] == "MOSRotating" then
self.particle2 = CreateMOSRotating(self.MuzzleFlash["particle"],"Brolands.rte");
elseif self.MuzzleFlash["particletype"] == "MOSParticle" then
self.particle2 = CreateMOSParticle(self.MuzzleFlash["particle"],"Brolands.rte");

-- Figure out if the actor is sharpaiming or not.
local MO = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(self.RootID)
local Aiming = 1;
if MO then
local Actor = ToActor(MO)
if Actor:GetController():IsState(Controller.AIM_SHARP) then
Aiming = 0.5;
Aiming = 1;

-- Create a direction vector for the projectile depending on if the gun is HFlipped or not
if self.HFlipped == true then
self.particle.Pos = self.Barrel["pointer"].Pos + Vector(self.Barrel["muzzleoffset"].X * -1,self.Barrel["muzzleoffset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
if math.random() > 0.5 then
self.firingvector = Vector(-1,0):RadRotate(self.RotAngle + math.random() * (math.pi/8) * ((100 - self.accuracy)/100) * Aiming);
self.firingvector = Vector(-1,0):RadRotate(self.RotAngle - math.random() * (math.pi/8) * ((100 - self.accuracy)/100) * Aiming);
self.particle.Pos = self.Barrel["pointer"].Pos + Vector(self.Barrel["muzzleoffset"].X,self.Barrel["muzzleoffset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
if math.random() > 0.5 then
self.firingvector = Vector(1,0):RadRotate(self.RotAngle + math.random() * (math.pi/8) * ((100 - self.accuracy)/100) * Aiming);
self.firingvector = Vector(1,0):RadRotate(self.RotAngle - math.random() * (math.pi/8) * ((100 - self.accuracy)/100) * Aiming);
self.particle.Mass = self.Bullet["mass"]
self.particle.Sharpness = self.Bullet["sharpness"];
self.particle.Vel = self.firingvector * self.Bullet["firevel"];
self.particle.LifeTime = 1500;
self.particle.Team = self.projectileteam;
self.particle.IgnoresTeamHits = true;

-- Create firing sound emitter.
self.particle = CreateAEmitter(self.FireSound,"Brolands.rte");
self.particle.Pos = self.Pos;

-- Create muzzleflash
self.particle2.Pos = self.Barrel["pointer"].Pos + Vector(self.Barrel["muzzleoffset"].X * -1,self.Barrel["muzzleoffset"].Y):RadRotate(self.RotAngle);
self.particle2.Vel = self.Vel;

-- Keeps track of the magazine
if self.Magazine == nil then
self.Mag["pointer"].Scale = 0;
self.ammocounter = self.ammocapacity;
self.reloading = true;
self.Mag["pointer"].Scale = 1;
self.Magazine.RoundCount = self.ammocounter;

if self.reloading == true and self.Magazine ~= nil then
self.reloading = false;
-- When the gun is done reloading, play reload sound
self.particle = CreateAEmitter(self.ReloadSound,"Brolands.rte");
self.particle.Pos = self.Pos;


function Destroy(self)

function Round(num, idp)
local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

Fun things:
"pointers" in lua
Stop mousering people so much - Mouser


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Re: Looking back (Some of your first code)
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2016, 08:52 PM »
Heh... nice that you have that! I saved the executables of my Atari programs from the early 90s when I was sysopping on Compuserve, but even though I posted the source online I haven't ever found it again. I'm sure I'd cringe to see it again... but it's nice to run across an old post about my big hit, and I even found the whole package in case anyone has an old Atari ST laying around. :P
vi vi vi - editor of the beast


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Re: Looking back (Some of your first code)
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2016, 09:39 PM »
I had one particular project that I'd update whenever I started learning a new language.  I have it in VB (the first language that I started programming UIs in), Delphi, VB.NET (ick), C#.  I don't think I have the code for that anymore... but you've spurred me to look :)


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Re: Looking back (Some of your first code)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2016, 03:53 AM »
My first C code.  :D Compiled executable for Windows, available here. There's been a page on my website dedicated to it, for almost 10 years.

Code: C [Select]
  1. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. #include <stdio.h>
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7.         char noun1[20];
  8.         char number1[20];
  9.         char verbing1[20];
  10.         char verbing2[20];
  11.         char verbing3[20];
  12.         char noun2[20];
  13.         char adjective1[20];
  14.         char pluralnoun1[20];
  15.         char noun3[20];
  16.         char adjective2[20];
  17.         char noun4[20];
  18.         char adjective3[20];
  19.         char verb1[20];
  20.         char personinroom1[20];
  21.         char noun5[20];
  22.         char noun6[20];
  23.         char noun7[20];
  24.         char noun8[20];
  25.         char sillyword1[20];
  26.         char noun9[20];
  29.         //explain game
  30.         printf("Let's play a game of Madlibs.\n");
  31.         printf("All you have to do is supply the words I ask for.\n");
  32.         printf("Let's begin.\n");
  34.         //get word list
  35.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  36.         scanf("%s",noun1);
  37.         printf("Enter a number: ");
  38.         scanf("%s",number1);
  39.         printf("Enter a verb ending in \"ing\": ");
  40.         scanf("%s",verbing1);
  41.         printf("Enter another verb ending in \"ing\": ");
  42.         scanf("%s",verbing2);
  43.         printf("Enter one more verb ending in \"ing\": ");
  44.         scanf("%s",verbing3);
  45.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  46.         scanf("%s",noun2);
  47.         printf("Enter an adjective: ");
  48.         scanf("%s",adjective1);
  49.         printf("Enter a plural noun: ");
  50.         scanf("%s",pluralnoun1);
  51.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  52.         scanf("%s",noun3);
  53.         printf("Enter a adjective: ");
  54.         scanf("%s",adjective2);
  55.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  56.         scanf("%s",noun4);
  57.         printf("Enter a adjective: ");
  58.         scanf("%s",adjective3);
  59.         printf("Enter a verb: ");
  60.         scanf("%s",verb1);
  61.         printf("Enter the name of a person in the room: ");
  62.         scanf("%s",personinroom1);
  63.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  64.         scanf("%s",noun5);
  65.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  66.         scanf("%s",noun6);
  67.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  68.         scanf("%s",noun7);
  69.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  70.         scanf("%s",noun8);
  71.         printf("Enter a silly word: ");
  72.         scanf("%s",sillyword1);
  73.         printf("Enter a noun: ");
  74.         scanf("%s",noun9);
  76.         //display story
  78.         printf("-----Career Advertisement-----\n\n");
  79.         printf("Seeking a new career?\n\
  80. Be a %s or just look like one!\n\
  81. In just %s sessions, we can have you %s, %s, and %s like a\n\
  82. top-paying %s.\n\
  83. Opportunities in this %s field are limited.\n\
  84. There is no fee!\n\
  85. Just come in for a free consultation.\n\
  86. Our expert %s will analyze your %s and determine your\n\
  87. potential for success in this %s field.\n\
  88. Use your natural %s to earn %s money and\n\
  89. have time to %s your dreams too.\n\
  90. Just ask %s who came to us looking like a\n\
  91. %s out of %s and in just ten days we improved their\n\
  92. %s 100 percent.\n\
  93. We even corrected their horrible %s.\n\
  94. It was just in the nick of time because the %s Squad\n\
  95. was ready to ban them from the %s.\n\
  96. Don't wait annother day.\n\
  97. Time is running out.\n",\
  98. noun1,number1,verbing1,verbing2,verbing3,noun2,adjective1,pluralnoun1,noun3,adjective2,\
  99. noun4,adjective3,verb1,personinroom1,noun5,noun6,noun7,noun8,sillyword1,noun9);
  101. // keep console window open for Windows users.
  102. // won't work for other OS's, but Windows users are the only ones that need idiot-proofing
  103. // because no matter how many times you tell them to run it from a command prompt they will just click the exe file any way.
  105. system("pause");
  107.         return(0);
  108. }