If there is already a tool for this I would appreciate a link to it.
I have a couple of people who can overload any system they are on. No matter what system they use nor how much memory it has, they always end up with the same complaint: System crashes and losing all the changes they have made to opened documents without saving them.
I would like to find an app that creates a display in the taskbar showing how much of their system resources are in use and warn them before they reach a critical point. Maybe something simple like a green bar which changes to red after reaching a critical point. It may not help even then but worth a try.
I have found a couple of utilities that will limit the number of tabs can be opened with a specific
browser but they will just open another browser if I limit that. I have not found a way to limit the number of simultaneous documents that can be opened in Word, Excel etc.
All problems inevitably get blamed on the hardware. Never the "User" even when they are shown that they have so many things opened at once that Windows cannot install updates.
If there is such a "simple resources monitor" which could be set to plainly warn them they are over extending the capacity of their system to prevent a crash before it happens this is what I am looking for. Something that monitors total available system resources and not just those used by a single application and that runs on Start-up with no user action required.