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Author Topic: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer  (Read 18036 times)


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NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« on: December 31, 2015, 09:36 PM »
Ok this is a fun/silly little idea i had -- a simple little utility to play a customizable chime and voice file in the middle of the night to try to nudge you into Lucid Dreaming.

WEB PAGE: https://www.donation...amInducer/index.html

A lucid dream is one in which you realize you are dreaming and can take control of your actions and other details of the dream. More on lucid dreaming:

You need to have a computer near your bed when you use this program.  The basic idea is that you would enable it when you head to sleep, and some hours later it will play some chimes to semi-wake you  and then a voice recording to remind you to try to be aware that you are dreaming.

There are options to let you easily choose which chimes and voice messages to (randomly) play at what volume. I include a few but really you should make your own. You can choose how long after you head to sleep the first episode should occur, and then the number and delay between subsequent episodes.

There is nothing controversial about the fact that people can have lucid dreams -- but inducing them seems to be a hit and miss affair and more of an art than a science, with different people finding different tricks that work for them.

While there may be some high-tech ways to induce lucid dreaming by detecting when the brain goes into certain stages of sleep and waking the person at that time, this tool uses a low-tech, less-reliable technique.  If you are serious about trying to use this tool you will have to experiment with the time delays, volumes, and sound files to find those that work most often for you (the program displays a log of which sounds were played and when to help you identify what worked).

I'd love to hear if this works for anyone.


I need some better people to make good "instructional" voice messages! Please make some and share them!

Screenshot - 1_1_2016 , 2_28_36 PM.png
Screenshot - 1_1_2016 , 2_28_17 PM.pngNANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer Screenshot - 1_1_2016 , 2_28_19 PM.pngNANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer Screenshot - 1_1_2016 , 2_28_21 PM.pngNANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer Screenshot - 1_1_2016 , 2_28_25 PM.pngNANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 04:17 PM by mouser »


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2016, 01:36 AM »
Program is completed and working, but i need help with some sound files(!)

What i need is someone to pick a dozen or so different kind of "chime" like mp3 files, from a site like:
I think they should be from 1-3 seconds long or so.

And then I need some nice longer clear recordings of people speaking some lucid dreaming "instructions".. these are the mp3 files that the user will be hearing as they are in a half-awake state, so they should say things like "Remember that you are dreaming and you can take control of your dream", etc.

See link in first post on lucid dreaming.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2016, 02:31 PM »
Updated.  Note you can use any mp3 files you want, just copy them into the appropriate Sounds subdirectory and then enable/disable them from the options.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2016, 03:41 PM »

I'll sound a cautionary tale on a few diff levels.

This program and the entire intro is in medium-usual "oh look how cute this is". But do you have an equal and opposite program that *blocks* lucid dreams?

When it isn't being presented in a "A, you're a new age loon" or "B, Mouser did some homework", decide if you WANT this, because sometimes you can't turn it back off again.

I've been getting a chunk of lucid dreams lately. I've been a sub-adjunct legislative assistant in congress and could almost read the draft bills, and more.

The mistake I think I'm seeing is people want it both ways, "safe and fun and rated PG and yay" and the full power of lucid dreaming doesn't always have those "governors" like they put in school buses to pretend they're not Mack Trucks.

So if y'all want to go into this realm, think things like the movie The Cell and it nearly messed up Vincent D the actor for a while after filming it.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2016, 04:10 PM »

If I were dev'ing this program, I'd want some twelve more features in it.

All the "beginner" systems I learned for lucid dreaming have intensity in the mix.

So first you "pre-load" your conscious/subconscious/other minds with data, coupled with a desire of what *type* of lucid dream you want.

That's why they're lucid - crap reg dreams, you get trapped "in a dream". In a Lucid dream, to varying points, you *control* the dream. It's easier to start staying in the bounds of sane physics.

So if I were to "preload" one as an example, let's say I want to go to a nice chess tournament in the midwest but I have no way to get there. I can hitch a ride with a trucker. I can decide he's driving International brand truck rather than Mack because it has a nicer tonal gear shift range. I can make sure my three sandwiches are two diff types of ham and cheese.

These are the details that run lucid dreams. These were just the beginner examples. I'm still only a low beginner myself. But just sayin' it's more than a chime and an audio phrase in the systems I studied.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2016, 05:04 PM »
Any chance to see this as a tablet app? I use my ipad as alarm so I think this could work along with the snooze function. I reckon the moments after the first alarm when you are half asleep might be when dreams can be better controlled :)


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2016, 07:58 PM »
I was googling something like: sounds australia birds preview
And found this blog with sounds to give paintings a sort of soundtrack:
The blogroll links on the right seems also to be worth exploring for more sounds.
I guess the strategy here would be to associate sounds to images so that when your semi-awake listens into sounds your dream be brought someway to the corresponding scenery / painting / video. Makes sense?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 08:10 PM by kilele »


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2016, 08:08 PM »
I remember a lucid-dreaming "guru" who recommended repeating the phrase "Am I awake, or am I dreaming?" to yourself throughout the day, and even sold tshirts with the phrase on it, so you would be reminded.  Then, the habit would continue into your sleeping life and you might find yourself saying "Am I awake, or am I dreaming?" while dreaming and *ding*... you're lucid dreaming. 

Perhaps that could be the 'trigger phrase'...

As for doing it on a mobile device, simply recording a chime and phrase and setting as the alarm tone on your clock should do the trick.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2016, 11:00 AM »
I remember a lucid-dreaming "guru" who recommended repeating the phrase "Am I awake, or am I dreaming?" to yourself throughout the day, and even sold tshirts with the phrase on it, so you would be reminded.  Then, the habit would continue into your sleeping life and you might find yourself saying "Am I awake, or am I dreaming?" while dreaming and *ding*... you're lucid dreaming. 

Perhaps that could be the 'trigger phrase'...

As for doing it on a mobile device, simply recording a chime and phrase and setting as the alarm tone on your clock should do the trick.

I'm keeping an eye on this one in general because of the topic, the description says "voice file" and I used to ages ago actually to make custom copies of whole stories and books with text-to-speech software, so as one example you can devise whole settings and milieus which relates to one of the systems I learned (and now prob lost the skill again).


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2016, 06:14 PM »
As for doing it on a mobile device, simply recording a chime and phrase and setting as the alarm tone on your clock should do the trick.
Ok but it would be nice a database to tag images and videos.
Sometimes I've experienced that listening music before going to sleep affects somewhat the mood on waking up.
Thinking of certain memories after being awaken by snooze alarms seems to affect my humour too. One interesting experiment could be trying to autosuggest dreams by recording yourself with camera sunglasses. Scary!


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2016, 07:37 PM »
Camera sunglasses make me think of virtual reality. Who knows if it could be possible to provoke sleep state simulations with virtual reality goggles.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2016, 07:53 PM »
Well, brainwave visualizations have been recorded:

And there's always those brainwave generation devices and apps:

So, if you can stand to fall asleep wearing earbuds, switch on a brain pattern and voilĂ !


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2016, 03:37 PM »
v1.02.1 - January 4, 2016
  • Added a few icons to menus.
  • Added option to hide next episode time from statusbar.
  • Turns off all playing sounds immediately when you disable it or reset timer.
  • Fixed randomization % to be double what it was and changed defaults.

Session Report:

I've been using the program for last few days.  I have it set to 2 hour interval with 50% randomization. Mostly what it does is wakes me up annoyingly, OR I wake up on my own soon before it is due to trigger.
So there is a cost to be paid in terms of lost sleep.. But last night it sort of worked(!)  Well I can't say whether the program itself did any good or whether it was just the fact that i was focused on it.


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2016, 04:15 PM »

I think this will be one of the more complex threads so I will try to follow it for a while.

I'd be concerned about the sleep loss and disruption of sleep patterns. But since it (maybe?) worked at least once, what do you feel about the dream that resulted?


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Re: NANY 2016 Pledge/Release: Lucid Dream Inducer
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2016, 04:51 PM »
I'm wary of this thread veering off-topic into discussion of dreams -- and i've found that no one enjoys hearing about other people's dreams.  Having said that, my semi-lucid dream involved me deciding to try to remember the face of an old friend from high-school whose face i can't remember in real life, and basically spending time in my dream mentally reconstructing it.  Was pretty cool.