Would you like to be able to start FARR from the context menu (right-mouse click) within a file explorer like TotalCommander/xyplorer/...
For advanced users !
1. run regedit (XP)
2. find HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\ in regedit
3. add key called
FARR folder 4. within FARR add a key called
command5. then modify the standard field of command into the string below **please read remark below**
c:\filemngr\farr portable\findandrunrobot.exe" -search "%1"
REMARK replace
c:\filemngr\farr portable\ with
the path on your computer where you installed find and run robot6. close regedit.
7. right click on a folder in for instance TotalCommander and select
FARR folder option
8. FARR will appear with the name of the folder in the search field.
1. you can create a textfile with a registry entry e.g.
folder_farr_context.reg containing:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\FARR folder\command]
@="\"c:\\filemngr\\farr portable\\findandrunrobot.exe\" -search \"%1\""Please note remark above. Extra warning use double back slashes.
2. then double click on the .reg file
--- update 1
Similar context menu for files instead of folders
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\FARR file\command]
@="\"c:\\filemngr\\farr portable\\FindAndRunRobot.exe\" -search \"%1\""
--- update 2
You can add a space at the end "%1 " instead of "%1" to replicate farr's behaviour when pressing cursor right in directory searching mode.
There might be shorter ways to do this, if so please leave your comments below.