2017-04-14 2157hrs: Found the key to the solution to FIX Fallout 3 perpetually crashing on game start, under Win10 - use FOSE with the NVSE plugin NVAC .dll plugin.
• FOSE = Fallout Script Extender:
http://fose.silverlock.org/ The Fallout Script Extender, or FOSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout 3. It does so without modifying the Fallout3.exe or the G.E.C.K. files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.(Source: fose_readme.txt)I already had FOSE installed in:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty
• NVSE = New Vegas Script Extender:
http://nvse.silverlock.org/ The New Vegas Script Extender, or NVSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout: NV. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects.(Source: nvse_readme.txt)I installed NVSE today in:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas
• NVAC = New Vegas Anti-Crash (a Plugin for NVSE)
http://www.nexusmods...newvegas/mods/53635/ Those with Windows 10 Anniversary Update and certain Nvidia Drivers may experience the game not load for them. You can use NVAC (New Vegas Anti Crash) in most cases to fix this issue. Although this mod is listed as for New Vegas, it will work with Fallout 3. You can get it here -
http://www.nexusmods...newvegas/mods/53635/ (Source:
1. NVAC fixes the Windows 10 Anniversary Update + up-to-date Nvidia / AMD video driver crashes / issues for the following:
• Fallout New Vegas
• Fallout New Vegas No Gore (German)
• Fallout 3
• Fallout 3 No Gore (German)
• Oblivion
• GECK (New Vegas)
• GECK (Fallout 3)
• Construction Set (Oblivion)
It should also be installable via mod manager for New Vegas, Fallout 3, and Skyrim; would like confirmation that installing it via NMM, etc. works correctly for all 3 games (I only did minimal testing). Oblivion users will need to install manually (in Data\OBSE\Plugins).
To clarify, if you're using NVAC or older and New Vegas crashes when loading a game, and nvac.log contains 00B57AA9, you're affected by the Win10AU issue.
From <http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D53635%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1197661&pUp=1>
• Refer also:
? HTML Scrapbook\How to install mods for Fallout 3 - Nexus Wiki.mhtml
? HTML Scrapbook\NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community.mhtml
https://www.reddit.c...utMods/wiki/fixguide[Question] Downloaded NVAC, can't figure out what to do with it (self.Fallout)
https://www.reddit.c..._figure_out_what_to/submitted 5 months ago by jtierney50We rule
Sorry if this a noob question, but I'm not exactly a computer person. I tried to restart playing New Vegas yesterday, but after the intro cinematic, the game crashed. The same problem occurred after restarting Fallout 3, but because there is no intro cinematic, it crashed soon after I started a new game.
Anyway, I looked up solutions and downloaded NVAC. In the "read me" file, it tells me to put nvac.dll in my Data\NVSE\Plugins folder. However, I can find no such folder in the Data files for New Vegas. Am I supposed to create these folders? I tried copying the NVSE folder (which contained the Plugins folder, which contained nvac.dll) from the ZIP file to the New Vegas Data folder, but that didn't change anything.
Sorry if this a dumb question, but I have a seven hour train ride on Friday and I really would like to have something to do then.
[–]Mys-Brotherhood 4 points 5 months ago
You'll need to download New Vegas Script Extender.
Here is a video on how to install it. The version numbers will be different, but the steps are exactly the same.
[–]jtierney50We rule
1 point 5 months ago
Thank you, I installed NVSE but I still can't find the folder it says to put it in.
[–]Mys-Brotherhood 2 points 5 months ago
You'll have to make them manually. In the Data folder for New Vegas make a folder called NVSE, open the folder you just made then make a new folder inside called plugins. Place the BETA VERSION of NVAC in the plugins folder. The file path will look like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE\plugins
You'll want to do the same for Fallout 3. You can go here for Fallout 3 Script Extender. You'll be making similar folders for this as well. The file path looks like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Data\fose\plugins
Place the nvac.dll in the plugins folder here as well.
[–]jtierney50We rule 1 point 5 months ago
Hmm. Tried that, opened through NVSE, still doesn't work.
[–]Mys-Brotherhood 1 point 5 months ago
Okay, what kind of graphics card do you have?
[–]jtierney50We rule 1 point 5 months ago
Graphics card shouldn't matter, should it? I've played New Vegas before, in fact I've beaten the game, but now that I'm trying to restart it keeps crashing.
[–]Mys-Brotherhood 1 point 5 months ago
The Windows 10 Anniversary update for AMD and Nvidia has been breaking Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
[–]jtierney50We rule 1 point 5 months ago
Okay, I do have an NVidia card, but I've had Windows 10 since before I bought and played NV, so it shouldn't have anything to do with that, right?
[–]Mys-Brotherhood 2 points 5 months ago
It was a driver update for the graphics card that came with the Windows 10 Anniversary update. Driver 372.+ has been breaking Fallout 3 and New Vegas. It's a problem that has been ongoing for quite some time now. Sometimes the only fix is rolling back to driver 368.81.
I have to leave now, but I'll leave you with these instructions:
You can go here for Nvidia's instructions on rolling back drivers via device manager. Just use the Windows 7 instructions for Windows 10.
If rolling back via device manager doesn't work, use the "Search NVIDIA" bar at the top right of that page to look for "368.81" - just read the descriptions. Windows 10 64bit should be the top one, though.
OR top left under the Nvidia logo, select "Drivers". You can manually search or have it auto detect your configuration.
Once you download the driver, install. I recommend selecting the box that says "clean install".
[–]jtierney50We rule 1 point 5 months ago*
I don't think that's the problem. I went to the device manager and clicked on the Nvidia card, and it says that the most recent driver version was from August 1, which was before the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, and in any case the "roll back drive" button is grayed out and unclickable.
EDIT: Never mind, that fixed it! Thanks for the help! <-- Interesting.
From <https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/5a7ys4/question_downloaded_nvac_cant_figure_out_what_to/>