Using AHK, This is what I was able to get:
The active window's class is "HwndWrapper[TextOverlayTool.exe;;ad8ebf4a-4653-4ee9-ad96-c472c3c202f6]".
And that was with that default code. You just have to click on the TextOverlayTool window and click the hotkey. And I get what you mean by windowspy now- the utility that comes with AHK.
With that, I figured out the problem. There is a guid attached to the window - I guess to disambiguate multiple instances. Notice the guid at the end of mine is different than the guid at the end of yours. You'll have to use the following in your code:
; instead of Progman for desktop change to the
; class for Flight Simulator (use WinSpy to get it)
; instead of class for Notepad use the class
; for Stickies
ControlSend,,{Down},ahk_class HwndWrapper\
;;[\da-f\-]+] return
What follows is the script that I actually used:
totclass = HwndWrapper\[TextOverlayTool.exe;;[\da-f\-]+]
WinActivate ; Automatically uses the window found above. }
It's a bit messy, and won't work for markdown files as the control can't get a focus in that case, so I'd have to manually focus it. But for your purposes, as long as you load the file and set the cursor into the control, it should work.
And it was an interesting delve into AHK. I used the basic version, as I wasn't sure that the other version would work with SciTE4AutoHotkey, and I wanted debugging to see what was going on. But it was easy to get up and running in it.