Thanks to all you fine people I have enjoyed a day of flying by the checklist. Checklists are handy for making sure one doesn't set down on a runway with the landing gear still in the belly of the airplane. I'm not mentioning any names, but I am personally aware of a sim pilot doing an unintentional "belly" landing more than once when attempting to fly
without following a checklist.
@wraith808 - I will have to spend more time working with the OverlayTool. One thing which will need to be looked at is it opens text files with all carriage returns removed resulting in one large block of text.
@MilesAhead - I have only been able to make the AHK script work with Notepad and Notezilla, so far. I am not sure whether the script is compiled or not. All I have figured out is to reload the script once I get everything. Regardless, your script works well trapping the trigger key. I have programmed a button on my flight stick to send "DOWNARROW" keystroke which effectually moves the checklist down one line per my request. Thank you.
@App103 - Thanks for the nod toward Notezilla for my present need. I will look forward to learning more as time goes on.
@mouser - Thanks for creating the "Desktop Coral." It works quite intuitively which is a good thing.
@TaoPhoenix - Thanks for the perspective. I suspected it would take something deeper. Fortunately, AHK filled that requirement.
dr_andus - Thanks for the heads-up on "Desktop Coral." Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a handle on Samurize. Maybe I will if I read up on it on the site when I get a chance. In the meantime, be prepared for a salvo of questions.
Here is a summary of how I have been using the various parts to provide a very usable solution so far...
- "Desktop Coral" - mouser's creation did allow a place at the bottom of my screen real estate where I was able to place the Notezilla window. I really liked "Desktop Coral's" ability to let me handle other things, like editing another text file, email and Firefox without getting in the way.
- "Notezilla" - Using app103's suggestion had the capability of being border-less, reduced vertically to display only one line at a time, setting the background transparent or black and setting the font to red or green, depending if it was a day or night flight. It performed quite gracefully.
Thanks again to everyone. Your efforts have allowed me to add a very important utility to my flight simulation experience. I will pass this on to all my fellow simpilots. I could not have done it without you.
One last note to pass on...
When I first came to I was fairly stout and healthy man of 50-ish. I was also actively taking flight lessons to get my real-world pilot's license. Since that time my health has almost reduced me to an invalid which has so far prevented me from returning to my OTR truck and achieving my pilot credentials, but I live in hope. Thanks to the wonder of consumer flight simulation technology and my family's generosity in constructing and furnishing me with a "simpit," I am able to participate in almost-flying, or as far as one can with a simulator. So, you can see why your contributions to getting me one step closer to a "Suspension of Disbelief" (the Holy Grail of flight simulation) has added to the quality of my life.
Thank you.