You guys are great! I have not been able to check back in but both of you seem to have some excellent methods in mind.
Don't get me wrong, it isn't that it is "too many clicks" or anything like that, it was a matter of "how it should be" and it isn't. I have thousands of files in storage that i may never look at again but at one time, I thought they would be useful for some reason. Usually, just gong back to where i found them is enough to jog my memory. That was the original intent. A download manager requires me to keep the files all in the same location as they were when the manager indexed them which over the years would not be the case,
While I COULD write up a brief note about where i got it and why and zip that up with the file, then i have to unzip he bunch to read the notes.
Kind of like browsing through all the titles on Audible audiobooks and seeing an author i like i can then play a part of the book as a sample to see if it is interesting.
I started thinking how nice it would be to be able to "browse" through all those files and see a "synopsis" of the file in a "pop open" window that would display like a tool-tip when i hovered over the file.
To do this, i would need to be able to store just a small amount of data somewhere that would not mess up the file itself. That was when i found "tags". The problem was, for reasons I cannot discern,
They only work on video and audio files. They are "there" on all files and usually empty. Windows even offers to remove them (in cases where they can be removed) so i started looking for how they could be written to in the first place. If a "tag" named URL were to have the actual URL of the file and one called description could hold a sentence about what i go it for.
I was looking for a way to make finding and using files that were located sometimes years before and now are only a zip file in a huge archive. No references as to why it was put there or where it came from without opening the zip to see. Plus those tags are searchable with windows so i could find those i might have referenced as "executable editors" or ?? but at least i could have a way to look for more than a file name which in some cases is just ""
I really appreciate your efforts and perhaps I am the only one who thinks OLD "stuff" would ever be of use in a NEW WORLD anyway ??