"The Firefox button was removed in Firefox 29 and replaced with the Hamburger menu icon."
^ I didn't know this, and I had no idea what a Hamburger Menu was, so your post send me off, to search for answers.
The first answer was, to kill it!!
That little three-lined button is the devil. Whether you call it a side menu, navigation drawer, or a hamburger, hiding your features off-screen behind a nondescript icon in the corner is usually a poor mobile design choice. Interaction theory, A/B tests, and the evolution of some of the top apps in the world all support the same thesis: The hamburger button is bad for engagement
The next article's author suggested the menu should be upgraded to Cheeseburger menus!
If nothing else, we could follow Josh's advice on improving the hamburger icon: "Cheeseburger menu. Because everything is better with cheese."
http://www.theatlant...-menu-debate/379145/-The Atlantic
The third answer was actually about hamburgers, but then it was from McDonalds, and I prefer Burger King...
I still don't know the answer to your question (!), ewemoa, but in my mind the lack of the old Firefox button is the real problem. Here is an addon to solve this:
http://www.ghacks.ne...eme-restorer-add-on/https://addons.mozil...lassicthemerestorer/ 8: Display Firefox application button
The Firefox button was removed in Firefox 29 and replaced with the Hamburger menu icon. It is possible to restore it using Classic Theme Restorer. You can define its position, customize it visually and functionality wise.-Classic Theme Restorer
One answer said "I absolutely love that I can move the search box to inside the hamburguer menu and still get to it pressing Ctrl+K", so I was wondering if you simply are missing the sidebars? Try Sidebars List:
https://addons.mozil...addon/sidebars-list/ It should also let you have Ctrl+B and Ctrl+H back.
Adds drop-down list to switch sidebars

/Given that Mozilla removed the Bookmarks and History Sidebar toolbar buttons in Fx29, it's good that this still works. Thanks.-Sidebars List
The real problem is of course the UI re-design by Mozilla, so give
Pale Moon a try!