Wow. 2 posts last December kept me out of the official Lost Sheep list. Before that, I was out for over over 2 years (2012)...Oh well, that is close enough, isn't it?
So what took me away from the posts in 2012? Can't really say. Just sort of wandered away I guess. Maybe that was when I had my lateral promotion (if you can call it that) at U. S. Steel. Don't recall. Either way, they let me go a year and a half later during their draw downs (even now they are closing plants around the world). I was pidgin-holed in a dead-end, silo position I hated (but I convinced myself wasn't all that bad because the pay and benefits were substantial - not to mention 15 years of service towards a pension - who still offers that!?!). Woe be to me if I overstepped my boundaries into someone else's silo (which I did regularly - probably what led to my dismissal).
Anyway, thanks to the grace of God, I landed a new job at a Software as a Service company for the healthcare industry as a Devops engineer and I LOVE it. The hours suck and the pay is on the low side of average, but otherwise it is pretty much my dream job. I get to put a lot of time into learning scripting and have been doing mostly bash and powershell scripting. I also do a lot of work with MongoDB administration and VMware. For me, that is pretty much a perfect work environment; well except for the MongoDB stuff - that was a *bonus* that I am currently in a love/hate relationship with. At least it IS interesting though.
Unfortunately home life has suffered some because of the aforementioned sucky hours. Still, we get to see each other every day, if not all at the same time, so it could certainly be worse. Between work, home life (read chores), and church; I have little time left for any leisure activities and spend them mostly with the kids, so sorry I don't get here much, but I do stop by on occasion.
(Okay, okay, I am not really sorry at all. Like others, I wish I could be here as well as doing the other things, but since I can't, I chose family over the forums and I am not sorry at all that I choose to prioritize my life that way. If I know anything about most of the people here, I would say you aren't sorry about that choice either - well, maybe some are, but not most of you