Dear jesse and the rest of the DonationCoder family,
First off thanks so much for the email and reminder, 2009 was my last post. It is a real pleasure to say HI! again. I was never a real programmer (I'm a neuroscientist who makes do with Matlab), but I really do enjoy thoughtful conversations and interesting discussions, and DC was just brilliant for this (and I imagine still is!!!!). Jesse, I think you did the most amazing thing building this community, and you should be
really really really proud of that.
FARR was my first love on this site, then I became interested in ways to improve productivity. My fellow DCers were always great to discuss/argue/share/laugh with. I moved to OS X and stayed around a bit longer as I wanted to share some of the differences and changes with this community. I still work for a living trying to understand how brains work, still living for work in the metropolis Airstrip One (aka London) and living a full life with a new Son.
I was always so amazed with how much Jesse cared about his software and how respectful he was of others. I know one can never "know" someone over this big crazy electronic web, but Jesse is obviously someone I would trust. I would gladly go out for a good coffee / beer / whisky (delete as appropriate), if it wasn't for the geographical displacement.
I would normally be a bit grumpy getting reminder emails, but DC is a family and this is a pleasure.
to the next 10 years!!!!