Apparently, PayPal and eBay are not cluing anybody in as to
why, but I found this:
https://www.paypal-c...ofile.language=en-gbComment #5:
I think it is not PayPal who caused this, but an outdated but still active Ukrainian law (14.10.2004 N 485 ) which forbids Residents (resident: citizens and immigrants) of Ukraine to have financial or other value based accounts opened out of country borders. So you cannot have a "money account" on your "Paypal account".
There is a petition on, but I don't know how effective those things are.разрешите-получать-деньги-через-paypal-украина-paypal
That first comment is NOT going to help the cause:
Владимир Дзюбинский Одесса, UKRAINE
PP is great - we NEED it to be able to buy drugs and arms safely in Mexico and then transfer it to Ukraine via. submarines, without the risk of being busted by cops.
I have heard that there are businesses over the border that can receive PayPal payments on your behalf, and then deposit to your account, but I can't possibly recommend one over another, or vouch for the safety of such a thing.