Voyager isn't my favorite either, but I never understood the hate it gets. -Shades
I don't think it's so much hate as extreme disappointment. Voyager had the potential and opportunity to be the apotheosis of the StarTrek saga. Then Paramount Pictures started chiming in on what to do and how to do it...
Then again, I grew up with TNG, so those episodes will always be my among my favorites.
I grew up with the original. And much as I liked that, TNG was definitely (IMO) the best and finest iteration once it got past its growing pains and the main members of the cast started to click as an ensemble. Pretty much the way a real ship's crew would.
Deep Space Nine started out not that great, but I heard from others that did watch DS9 completely, its ending was very strong.
It had it's moments. But those good scenes and storylines were spread out few and far between all the soap opera junk that made up the bulk of the series. Most times it felt like you were watching
Dallas, except this time it was out in space.
Granted, I watched Voyager longer, because of an "interesting" new crew member...
Ah! Jeri, Jeri, Jeri...
Ms. Ryan probably did more to rekindle our fascination with metallic spandex than anything else found in the StarTrek universe.
For the record, Famke Janssen

, Marina Sirtis, Denise Crosby, Sherry Jackson (whose legendary costume by Bill Theiss most emphatically answered the question in the TOS episode:
What are Little Girls Made Of?), Beth Toussaint, and
any of the 'Onion Girls' are more my speed.
(Note: Bill Theiss is on record as saying his
Theiss Theory of Titillation maintains that “the degree to which a costume is considered sexy is directly dependent upon how accident-prone it appears to be.” )