Another question:
In the current version and in previous posts I have been talking about setting a REMINDER, for example if you have a task you can set a reminder for 30 days after the last time you performed the task.
But then in notifications and display I show this as "HOW LONG UNTIL *DUE*" or "HOW LONG SINCE *OVERDUE*", treating this time as the DUE date.
In the current version there is a REMINDERS tab, but it shows items that have past the reminder date as "overdue".
Now I am thinking about creating TWO automatic tabs -- one called REMINDERS and one called OVERDUE.
So here's my question:
Should I rename the field you edit and change it from "REMIND IN [X] [days]", to something like "DUE IN [X] [days]", and use that value for the overdue tab, and have a separate setting somewhere that says how far in advanced of due date i should put something on the REMINDERS tab. Can I use a global option for that, or do i really need every item to have a separate option for DUE IN and REMIND IN, which I would like to avoid.
Ideally my preference would be to have a single value that the user sets for when to consider the activity OVERDUE (for example 120 days); and show OVERDUE items on an OVERDUE tab, and then use a heuristic to decide when to list items on a REMINDER tab, for example when there the time left before an item becomes overdue surpasses 90% of the interval that is considered overdue.