So responsibility begets authority. That's just how it works.
It think what you're actually saying is that legal
liability grants legal authority? Well...ok...mostly.
But that's
not the question I was asking. I was wondering just what it is about the act of
biological procreation that magically grants unassailable wisdom and the absolute knowing "what's best" for the living product of one's own sexual intercourse?
Would-be adoptive parents are screened and have their backgrounds checked. Some even are made to attend classes. But drop your
own little darlin' and
shazzaam! you automatically are held to "just know" how to raise her/him. Why is that? Or is it just that I can't see the 'unicorns and glitter' all those biological parents can see?
When Ren said earlier that:
But it's not up to you or me to determine when other people's children are ready to assume any given right or responsibility -- that is purely the domain of the parent. Not you. Not me. Not the state. Not media pundits. Parents. Only. Exclusively.
My question is, exactly
what makes
natural parents
automatically qualified to make such a decision. Because watching the parents in my decidedly upscale neck of the woods, I can assure you that a good many aren't much up to the task. A point with which many apparently agree considering the substantial number of them that farm out as much child rearing as possible to the school system, daycare providers, private nannies, and social activity groups.
So again:
If: "
Parents. Only. Exclusively." :then: Why so?