Hehe, whatever floats your boat...

As far as the spinach goes, it's only
really applicable if you like and eat spinach a lot, or are susceptible to kidney stones (once you get one, your probability goes WAAAY up for another one). I actually enjoy spinach, and it really is good for you otherwise. The reason my doctor told me to avoid it is because spinach is naturally high in Oxalates, and most (90% or so) kidney stones are Calcium Oxalate. He told me other foods have higher than average Oxalates, but spinach leads the curve by a large margin. See here:
http://www.webmd.com...ylate-topic-overviewNotice how spinach is mentioned twice? And he told me nothing about beer...
So, as long as your doctor thinks you're hydrated fine, then she's not likely to have you drop the spinach, but whatever you do, drink as much water as anything else, and you'll probably be fine; spinach, beer, and all...