Here's Microsoft's take:
- http://blogs.technet...ware-disruption.aspx
That was so much horse s**t that I wouldn't even know where to begin.
So, I'll just pick a few.

Playing offense against cybercriminals is what drives me and everyone here at the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit.
Oh. Right. We're the good guys. Pfft.
We’re taking No-IP to task as the owner of infrastructure frequently exploited by cybercriminals
So MS admits that No-IP is a victim here. Hmm...
On June 19, Microsoft filed for an ex parte temporary restraining order (TRO) from the U.S. District Court for Nevada against No-IP. On June 26, the court granted our request and made Microsoft the DNS authority for the company’s 23 free No-IP domains, allowing us to identify and route all known bad traffic to the Microsoft sinkhole and classify the identified threats.
But that's not what they did.
They stole domain names with the help of the courts, then screwed all the No-IP customers.
They didn't "identify and route all known bad traffic to the Microsoft sinkhole and classify the identified threats". They routed ALL traffic to nowhere.
MS is lying.
As malware authors continue to pollute the Internet, domain owners must act responsibly by monitoring for and defending against cybercrime on their infrastructure.
This is akin to saying that you are guilty of assault if people come onto your property and get into a fight.
We also worked with A10 Networks, leveraging Microsoft Azure, to configure a sophisticated system to manage the high volume of computer connections generated by botnets such as Bladabindi-Jenxcus.
Right... they leveraged their own technology to drop the ball and leave every No-IP customer out in the cold.
MS should be sued in civil court for damages then prosecuted in criminal court for theft.
The judge that granted the order should also be prosecuted and thrown in prison for being an accomplice to theft.
But, nothing will happen because the courts are not accountable to people. They are accountable to corporations like Microsoft.
Now... want to rape the MS nonsense...
We’re taking No-IP to task...
Oh really?
However, if not properly managed, a free Dynamic DNS service like No-IP can hold top-rank among abused domains.
Please allow me to rephrase that:
However, if not properly managed, an operating system like Windows can hold top-rank among abused operating systems.
Our research revealed that out of all Dynamic DNS providers, No-IP domains are used 93 percent of the time...
Let me rephrase that one...
Our research revealed that out of all operating systems, Windows operating systems are used 93 percent of the time...
Blah... I'm too lazy to continue. MS is just so ridiculous that I shouldn't have to say any of this.
Let me just point out this in finishing:
The following post is from Richard Domingues Boscovich, Assistant General Counsel, Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit.
Written by a lawyer...