Thanks to all for your replies, but I am still unable to grab a portion of a scrolling screen.
I had SC check for updates, and I am currently using Ver. 4.8.5 (It did need an update).
In the prior instructions,
- Click in your window
- Ctrl+Shift+PrtScr
- Window will be framed with red line
- Ctrl+Click in window
- Click on Option 2 (Manual Scroll) in the dialogue that opens
- Follow instructions,
- Scroll as much or as little as you want
- Follow instructions (Guess margins; Guess overlap) best look at it @ 100% to see it's okay
In order to get the red capture rectangle (frame), I have to press (HP laptop):
fn+Ctrl+Shift+PrtScor select
Grab Windows Object or Scrolling Window (Ctrl+Shift+PrtScr) from the
Capture drop-down menu.
When the list of 4 options appears, I still get
1 - Save the Selected Object/Region Image
2 - Save the Selected Object/Region Image and Choose Another
3 - Begin a Scrolling Window Capture on this Object
4 - Capture Multiple Images, One for each Child Control
> indeed option 3 is what you should choose, and then you should get a dialog that lets you select to do a manual scroll.
I do not get the dialog box for a manual scroll in this list of options.
If I click on Option 3 (above), the I get a new window with two buttons near the top.
Button 2 is
Let Me Manually Scroll the Window.
I am presented with dialog box titled,
Manual Scrolling Capture Instructions. (see 2 attachments)
Maybe we are now on the same page (?).
When I click
Button 2 and follow the instructions , I do not get a red rectangle whose width and length
that I can change by "pulling on its corner", so that reshapes up/down and left/right to capture the screen area that I want
to capture.
An instruction dialog box It tells me to
Manual Scroll and take successive screen snapshots which it will stitch together.
This didn't work well...the stitching had lines of texts missing (cut-off horizontally, the letters weren't capture to full height).
And the picture was captured to fit on a single page, so that it would small (unreadable) when printed.
Maybe I am misunderstanding something, but...shouldn't I be getting a red rectangle whose length and width I can control by dragging it edges or corner to select the area of the scrolling window that I want to capture ?
And what do I need to set so that the captured image is not scrunched to fit the size on a single piece of paper ?
Thank you