If all this is because of Canadian legislation, Canada had best watch it's step.
But, but, but, they're Canadians! Mounties! Snow! Maple syrup! Hockey! Eh?
It's all well and good to go around acting like yet another totalitarian bully. But Canada is not politically significant enough that something can't be done about (and to) Canada. -40hz
This is where I wonder just how "independent" Canada is. I think you give governments too much credit.
One word:
Copying the 800lb gorillas (i.e. USA, Russia, China) doesn't reflect well on Canada. -40hz
But, but, but, they're Canadians! Mounties! Snow! Maple syrup! Hockey! Eh?
Especially when they have nothing other than a BS trade agreement (which exists only because the current US administration wants it) to give their laws any teeth outside their borders.-40hz
Trade agreements have too much power once you look into them. They're often scary.
Sad. I really used to like Canada. -40hz
Me too. I left the place a long time ago because it was a shithole in a downward flush/spiral. But the disease is too prevalent. There is no escaping it. It's everywhere.
Spent a lot of time up there some years ago, -40hz
Me too!
and had nothing but the deepest respect and admiration for the country and its people. It's getting hard to feel that way about our "Northern Neighbor" these days.-40hz
I lost any respect for Canada a very long time ago.
And to be blunt, I basically hate what most Canadians think. The vast majority are unthinking morons that follow Ottawa blindly with idiotic aphorisms about tradition and crap. They're horrible at math too, which in itself is reason to hate anyone that isn't an artist.
God save the Queen? Yeah... like
thisI have a special spot in my heart for Canada, filled with disgust, contempt, and loathing.
Not to single out Canada. Everything I've said previously applies equally, if not more, so to the present version of the United States.
Heck, I love to single out Canada! I wish it would happen more!
All too often we read about the US and the evils it does.
But everyone forgets that Canada is the USA's cheap bimbo whore cheer leader.
Want some insight? Look at where Uncle Sam's unit is. Hint: It's in Ottawa's mouth. (And other parts.)
Canada even spearheads crap for the US! Because...
But, but, but, they're Canadians! Mounties! Snow! Maple syrup! Hockey! Eh?
People will put up with crap from Canada because Canada has a reputation that it doesn't deserve. "Oh, Canadian peace keepers from the UN? Oh, they're bloody saints!!!" Yeah... whatever.
Canada can soften up targets politically because it is perceived as a "friendly" country when it's nothing more than an Anglo-American whore to be used and abused at will.
Hint: Whores are exceptionally good at separating you from your money, etc. They're professionals, and don't think they aren't. They're very good at what they do. Canada is no different.
Oh, and as a Canadian... I feel I must give the obligatory...
I don't for a moment think that these insane Candian laws are independent in Canada -- there is outside influence here. Canada is just being used for its reputation to ram through the idea. Hopefully others will see through the BS and reject it.