"And I don't find mind maps all that useful for the way I work."
Again, neither Scapple nor the two other applics mentioned by Andus above are mind map creators, and whilst not bothering you with replicating my lengthy developments of the difference between MM/outlining/horizontal outlining(Warnier) and then just scribbling ideas on paper, and putting them into various groupings/connections (I did that both in the UR and in the outlinersw fora), forgive me to contradict you, decidedly, on both plans:
- Scapple et al. (or sheets of paper) are in another category than MM/etc. (MM being for presentation purposes, above all other possible use)
- NOT putting down good ideas (be it on paper, be it wherever it goes), when not having finished some project, is just throwing three quarters of those ideas into the bin, forever, since later on, they will NOT present themselves again (or then, just in part, without also telling you their respective core connections, which might have been the much more valuable part of that idea); from this second point, you might deduct: have some "writing down" device ready everywhere (incl. your nightstand, in your car*, etc.); use it!; for Scapple-or-similar applics: have the respective files in IMMEDIATE access** whenever your pc's on.
* = the car aspect would mean, use some traditional device (like I do: I've got SEVERAL such Sanyo full-metal devices (= effect's like with a beautiful pen) with traditional tape, but alternatively, there are tapeless devices), NO iPhone, since even when you don't do/receive a call with it, just just it, in most European countries, you'll be in for a 3-digit euro fine if catched
** = by macroing, by loading with every Windows start... and that definitely makes a big part of Scapple's attraction, since it's lightweight (cf. Mind Manager, and cf. MM's hindrance of your thinking)
Lately, I even created an AHK macro (Alt-F8) that from everywhere, will create me a new, empty .txt file, within the fraction of a second (except for my typing the file name) in my standard folder, and (by default) beginning with "0" = "ToDo, unassigned yet" (or then, I change that into 1...9), to put down any idea I might get anywhere, without leaving my current applic frames (and I only get an error message when my idea will NOT have been stored behind the scenes).
I understand your point: Don't over-develop further projects, instead of realizing your current ones. But then, don't discard any possible idea for those further projects. Btw, that's differenciating a CEO (or then, his head of strategy) from his staff: He'll never have to wait fore implementation chores, before creating something new - and that's why maximized delegation possibilities, for creative people, are of utter importance.