I recently migrated from Win7-64 HP to Win8-64 (standard), and then updated that to Win8.1-64 (standard) and then upgraded that to Win8.1-64 PRO.
The Win8 OS seems to grab at least one (if not more) new hotkey combo for itself - "Win+S", which brings up the Search panel on the RHS of the display screen. Previously, "Win+S" was an MS Office hotkey which activated the
Send To OneNote cliipping function for clipping a section of the display as an image directly to OneNote's default Unfiled Notes section. However, now, to use that function you have to press "Win+N", then "S" - which is a PITN and has some unanticipated adverse effects.
I have not found anything that upsets my CHS hotkey combinations though.
I mostly use:
- Ctrl+Alt+A - Show CHS window.
- Ctrl+Alt+Q - Quick Paste Menu.
- Ctrl+Alt+Z - Quick Note Add.
- Ctrl+C - Copy.
- Ctrl+V - Paste just the text contents from Clipboard. (Modified by an AHK script.)
- Ctrl+Shift+V - Paste rich text contents from Clipboard. (Modified by an AHK script.)