I've been researching how to protect my AHK script from decompiling. I understand that any binary can be decompiled but I'm not talking about people looking at an exe file's assembly language. I'm talking about people taking my compiled AHK script dropping it in to a decompiler and seeing the entire script plain as day. So I'd given up on script protection and even considered <gasp> leaving AutoHotkey </gasp>.
But then I came across this page
https://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/index.htmlI know the source script is readily available, but out of curiosity, I took a compiled exe and dropped it in to the decompiler and decompiler replied...
<Could not find pattern: >
<File seems not to be a valid compiled AHK Script or it uses an unknown protection.>
So I dropped some of the exe files into PEiD and it says: Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0 [Overlay]
So what is that? Are these complied AHK scripts or C++ programs? And if they are AHK scripts are they protected by something? If so what?