Is there any difference between the last beta and the current release version with respect to current features or bugs?
It would've been really strange if there weren't any, wouldn't it? :)
As of Release 69 the differences are as follows:
New features⦁ Added support for backup run simulation (dry runs)
⦁ Extended shadow copying to recognize optional modules
⦁ Added an option for overriding default backup settings
Issues resolved⦁ Fixed an issue with log viewer stealing input focus
⦁ Fixed a rare on-exit issue
⦁ Fixed two UI issues with editing periodic backup settings
⦁ Added an isolation layer for the Select Folder widget
⦁ Fixed several smaller UI issues
⦁ Fixed an issue of not logging context of certain failures
Other changes⦁ File filters can now match by a file size range
⦁ File browser in filter configuration is now symlink-aware
⦁ Periodic 6-hour backup is a new default (was: real-time)
You can get the list by checking for updates from the last beta. It always shows the diff against latest production release.