Yeah, it sucks for them... but seriously? Can you be that incredibly stupid and expect sympathy?
O hell I'm pretty sure at that level of ignorance these people would
expect sympathy for poking themselves in the eye with their own finger ...(probably during a nose picking accident)...But they ain't gonna get any from me.
Not to mention spotting this in the product features list for the "water proof" case:
Integrated X-MOUNT design, a conveniently detachable yet solid lock that connects your mobile device with interchangeable clips designed for bikes, motorcycles, boats, etc. Mounts sold separately.
Pray tell how the hell is someone going to use a cell phone on a motorcycle??!? ...There ain't time for that got way too much to do just trying to stay alive to be fiddling with a freakin' phone. Christ! That's an aspiring Darwin Award winner right there for sure!
I heard that the new iPhone IronMan app will make you fly, strong enough to stop a train,
and bullet proof!