Apparently, they figured that out (or it was pressure)
I think we know which one it was.
And I know understand why researchers in Korea developed
ARIA. Or I'm guessing... God only knows anymore.
I really hope this works out...
Not if PayPal and its masters have anything to say about it.
We have reached out to @MailPile and the limitation has been lifted. Supporting crowd funding campaigns is an exciting new part of our business. We are working closely with industry-leaders like IndieGoGo and adapting our processes and policies to better serve the innovative companies that are relying on PayPal and crowd funding campaigns to grow their businesses. We never want to get in the way of innovation, but as a global payments company we must ensure the payments flowing through our system around the world are in compliance with laws and regulations. We understand that the way in which we are complying to these rules can be frustrating in some cases and we've made significant changes in North America to adapt to the unique needs of crowd funding campaigns. We are currently working to roll these improvements out around the world.
No, that's just you trying to dictate what people can spend THEIR money on and HOW they do it.
Sigh... breathe... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...
Now, does anyone have any more questions about why Bitcoin is good idea?
As for the actual service/product - looks interesting. It seems that there are more like this popping up. But "email"? Man... I'm so sick of email. It's just so broken. I really think we need to scrap it and just start over with something new. A simple communications platform for letters, short messages, attachments, audio, video, audio/video/rich media messages, etc. People keep dumping resources into a broken platform.
Is your face bloody?
Well, keep banging it against the wall and maybe the pressure will stop the bleeding.