One of my computers has a pre-2011 motherboard on it. That has certain implications regarding drives larger than 3TB, and maybe other hard drive issues. I am now having a problem (which has occurred a few times before) which is this:
If I disconnect any drives in the system, then it stops booting up. This has been explained as some kind of effect of the MBR being distributed amongst the several drives, and if one is missing, the system can't boot. It is supposed to be repairable using the windows boot disk, repair option, repair startup option.
The problem I'm having is that I've disconnected all the extra drives, and now the OS won't boot. Furthermore, the BIOS doesn't even see my OS drive. I can't do anything. I can't repair it with the OS disk because it doesn't see the drive. I've tried messing with AHCI settings, RAID settings, no luck.
What is the deal with the Intel Rapid Storage Technology? I had to install it at one point because I added 4TB drives to my system, and until I installed RST, WIndows 7 couldn't see the drives with their capacity. But now I realize that RST is more for RAID situations, so I don't get what is going on. I don't like it. Ever time I've had to add or subtract a disk, I've had this problem. But now, I can't fix it anymore.
How can I make the disk bootable again? I can connect it to another computer and do stuff there if necessary. And if anyone can help me understand RST and why I need it, that would be helpful too. Last time, this problem was solved by rearranging my boot priority settings in the BIOS. But now, the bios can't see the drive so that setting is empty. And the drive is not broken or dead, either.