Miles, do you have access to a computer say at the local library where you can do stuff? While I was kinda rambling in that Snack post just now, I'm on the verge of asking you if you are interested in a "Coding Lunch" where it's bigger than a free snack and paid by a medium donation.
Mouser/Miles, if I donate via here, can you/he get it?
Kinda differently, depending on what you have for phone access...
(For example wifi via McDonalds, then some kind of "free via internet" calling?)
I am in need of a sort of virtual assistant and a lot of it is/can easily be phone based. For example, stuff like just calling an agency and asking what their rules for X are, then converting that to a typed list of stuff. I'm only 1 step ahead of you here in NY - no job, though I do have family support on housing. But I have pretty bad ADD/other. And it turns out to my dismay that the "professionals" here charge (insert adjective here) amounts when X % of what I need is so "easy", but it's like Alice in Wonderland here just getting that done.
I can't afford much, but I think I can swing $10 an hour for at least a small-ish bunch of hours.
Genius Developer/Smart Guy -> Homeless = Waste!
We'll have to put a little work into "documentation" so that I can try to apply some payback-services for this, but that's cake. Anything you create for an invoice has to be better than the funny invoices at my old job from contractors!