I missed your earlier post about SpeedMaxPc:
I've no idea who SpeedMaxPc are but I wouldnt trust them an inch!!
Even if they arent trying to scam you in any way (and they may well be trying to scam you), their methods can be dangerous for your computer.
BTW SpeedMaxPc's Tech-support page was 'Off-Line' yesterday and also today ... so maybe it's just another scam too. Hopefully it's just because of the USA Holiday Weekend (MLK).
maybe you were just checking but please dont try and get help from them...
I know you can't believe everything you see or read on the web ... but I thought Windows Help & Support could be trusted. Not so! -crabby3
Note: that's got nothing to do with Microsoft !!
One last point - you've probably taken this into account but I say *in case*: you gotta be very careful using system restore after having had a virus - that you dont reintroduce anything. One of the things I did was to turn it off completely and then on again - in order to delete any restore points that might have been infected.
TOP PART:I wish we lived nextdoor to each other,
tomos, so I could just trot over and bug you with endless questions... unfortunately we don't.
So I come here to DC seeking *after-the-fact* advice.
FIRST QUOTE:Yesterday and the day before I visited SpeedMaxPc's Tech-Support page to try to find a way to contact them directly via email or phone. They offered a 30-day Money Back Guarantee on their product... and I wanted my money back.
After I had, downloaded, installed and ran a
scam scan... I found out I had to buy the full version to *fix* the stuff it found.
SECOND QUOTE:Why doesn't it have anything to do with Microsoft? I know SpeedMaxPc isn't a Microsoft product... but why would they allow SpeedMaxPc to use their Windows Help & Support header... if it wasn't at least endorsed by Microsoft?
LAST PART:I was in a bit-of-a-panic when SpeedMaxPc deleted stuff I wanted or needed... so I didn't sit and think about... I just picked the first System Restore Point
before the SpeedMaxPc install. (It was the only Windows System Restore Point listed, BTW, I guess because this *FBI ALERT SCAM* had deleted all the others?)