My issue with the available project timers is that for the most part they do too much and are difficult to implement if you aren't already well versed in how to configure software. For someone like me, setting up a program to generate reports is a pain, and with some of the programs I've tried, not only can I not find where the data is stored, but it isn't saved as text and I don't want or need xml or other formats. Spending more time to learn the programs isn't the answer when my needs are simple - open the program, select the client, enter the task, start timing, stop timing, data stored, retrieve as needed. I'm probably the typical consumer, not totally computer challenged - I've been invited to beta test through two development cycles one of Adobe's flagship products - but I'm also not very comfortable, or successful, setting up software that has 50 different perimeters, filters or destination folders. Other timers I've tried are simple to use, but don't preserve data as text files, or generate text but don't save it, or don't let me adjust the times/task data, etc. Is this useful info? I can comment on specific programs if that would help.