I don't think anyone can really speak for the forum as a whole. There are as many differing opinions on just about everything as there are members here. Speaking for myself, I own and use an iPhone. And I don't think very highly of it.
But my criticisms and attitude toward it isn't much different than it is for any other smartphone since the telcos do their best to lockdown everything running on their networks. And they've been doing that since the days of the old Bell Telephone System who arranged to make it a
federal offense to plug anything into the US telephone system that wasn't manufactured by Bell Labs - their captive manufacturing company.
If the forum has an overall attitude, it's that of basic geeks who don't suffer fools too gladly when they happen to be corporations that should know better than to carry on the way they do.
If Apple occasionally seems to get more than its share of criticism and put downs, that's only because Apple's condescending attitude towards the rest of the world in general invites an equally snarky response when they drop the ball or play games with their customers.
And that's not confined to just Apple. Microsoft has gotten its share of heat for where they're going with Windows 8. Linux gets its share of shots for the uneven level of quality among the various distros and GNU projects, and the GPL. So I hardly think there's a general feeling of knee-jerk unfriendliness towards iOS. It gets criticized for what it is as well as for what it is not. But I think most of the criticisms are valid and based on due consideration of the technical issues surrounding iOS as well as the corporate policies Apple is bent on pursuing.
At least that's what I think. (And you'll easily get dozens of people here who will disagree with me and/or characterize it differently.) That's a good part of what makes DoCo what it is.