If you were satisfied with the service that you paid for and have the trust that the company is meeting your needs, why not pay them more for the newer version? If not, don't bother getting a new version. it's not the company's fault that things move on in the world and the company has to change accordingly. Now, in your case (like, if I were you) I'd be pissed that they removed a convenient feature like portability. So i would not want to pay for it again because it tells me that they are ignoring useful features that are desired by the customer base, and instead implementing non-desired features and hyping them up to make it seem more "advanced".
This is, it seems, the proper way to prevent these companies from bullying the customer base. Over the years it seems as though it has become very easy for a company to be successful by ignoring what the users want, and that is really the opposite of what leads to a healthy economy. They use very intentional bullying tactics. When Acrobat X is hyping 3D features in the latest version, that is marketing bullying. Why? Because they remove things that users want, and they act like this 3D thing (that NOBODY uses) is a big deal and worth all these hundreds of dollars extra. They don't go out of their way to mention the things they remove. And they remove them because of copyright issues. I'm convinced now that copyright issues and usefulness of a program are practically incompatible. If a developer is trying to implement a feature and thinks about a balance between copyright stuff and usefull stuff...it won't be useful. You have to ignore copyright to make it useful. This is the catch 22 of today's marketplace. Companies want as much money as possible with as little interaction with their userbase as possible. And they are winning because users normally don't speak up, and you need a lot to speak up intentionally for the noise to be heard over the $$$$.
Why do I like a company like RightNote? They listen to the users at (supposedly) their own copyright expense. They make the users feel good. Hey, can there be a portable version? Sure, here's one a month later. Hey, is there a way for it to link to Evernote, but still use Evernote and have it sync up properly (quite a request!!)? Sure, here it is a month later. This is a company that will get repeat customers, and gladly at that.
Now let's take Evernote. Once had a snappy, portable version and everything. Not anymore. Think that pleased the hardcore users? However, it sure benefits them to move to the cloud. Not that the product is bad or anything, but the history of events made me lose my trust a little with them. They also made it harder to get the data out of evernote and into other things. So would I pay for it again? probably not, unless my back was up against the wall. And they should pay that price. But they won't because I'm in the severe minority.
Companies that remove useful features from now on get the F-U from me. because that is what they are saying to us.