There was a question in regards to "importing" characters into SCM. Yes, you can use existing characters; the save game files can be there or not when you first create the character in SCM. The first time you create a character in the application, all it does is save the relevant information to the database and create an associated directory in your save game files location and in your backup files location. Then initialize copies the character's files to the save game location without actually deactivating the character.
So, if my skyrim save files are in C:\Users\wraith808\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves, and I decide to make my backup directory C:\Users\wraith808\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Backups (note that the backup directory needs to be manually created), then when I create the character Demo as I do in the video, the application will create the directories C:\Users\wraith808\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\Demo and C:\Users\wraith808\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Backups\Demo, whether Demo has any skyrim saves or not. Then, when I press initialize, any files with the name Demo in the save file name will be copied to C:\Users\wraith808\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\Demo.