I couldn't get it to activate within the time allowed (first time something like that ever happened with a GOTD btw) so it was moot for me either way.

To some points made by others I'll also agree. I've had GOTD apps recommend an update (or update themselves) and then stop working. I can understand that the deal only applied to the version downloaded. But it would be nice if you were warned since it's often some time before an upgrade becomes available. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not about to keep track of exactly where, and from whom, I've gotten every piece of software installed on my system.
I think the best way to view a GOTD offering is as an
extended trial copy rather than a true giveaway.
Most times I've decided to keep something I've gotten from GOTD, I'll go buy the full version from the publisher shortly afterwards. Which I'm sure was the plan when they hooked up with GOTD to begin with. I'm good with that. It's their product. They should be free to market their stuff however they think best. And I don't mind paying for things I use.
But by the same token, the more I think about how GOTD works, the less it seems worth it to me. Too much nonsense for not even second string products most times. True, you will find the
occasional hidden gem (e.g.
Liquid Story Binder) you might have otherwise missed. But IMO, finding that
very rare bit of gold isn't enough to keep me interested anymore. Life is too short. And there's just too many other places where you can find really good software these days.