I was suprised at the end though when I saw all the gold/silver connections - in any world one would have to query that ;-)
True enough. The same goes for pretty much any topic/industry though -- do the experts in the field have a vested/conflict of interest? Do you trust doctors to tell you about health issues? Again, they often have a conflict of interest, so... It's hard to know who to trust/believe. Griffin & Schiff in there I think lend it a lot more credibility. Griffin has been writing on the topic for a long time, and wrote one of the most important books on the topic of money & banking (The Creature from Jekyll Island).
Do check out #6 in my series of articles there. There is a good list of more videos on the topic with some basic commentary on them (from me). The first two are simply incredible - fantastic historical accounts that walk through just about everything you'd ever want to know there.
I might understand your fractional reserve banking stuff better after that introduction.
I'd say just jump in and read my articles and play with the software. I've gone over things to introduce the topic to people that know absolutely zero about it, and at the same time, I've got enough "meat" in there for people who know a lot on the topic -- all the while keeping it simple to read and easy to understand. It's extensively illustrated with diagrams, flow charts, graphs, and other illustrations.
i.e. I wanted the make the topic easily accessible to anyone at any level.
For the topic itself, I've only added a few new ideas to the discussion.