Yes, very good idea, very neat and no doubt very helpful.
(Note that I didn't fall into the rtap of making a koje.)
I'm not sure how a Rural Transit Assistance Program can be use to create a small island off the south coast of South Korea that is mostly renowned for shipbuilding, bars, and hot women that are ready to take your money...
Sgih... cna't seem to mkae a fnnuy tehre.
A friend of mine is dyslexic, and when he finished university, you can imagine he had a party for it.

I think he went on to become a successful drug dealer... kind of lost contact with him a few years ago...
Another friend is doing extremely well with his dyslexia. He suffered from it extremely badly. Today, he's posting on Facebook regularly, which is leagues advanced from how he used to deal with things, i.e. not read period.
It's pretty common, but very often people feel ashamed, and hide it.