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Author Topic: Promised Land  (Read 3790 times)


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Promised Land
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:33 PM »
 Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your donkeys and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land.

Nearly 75 years ago, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your donkeys, and light up a Camel. This is the Promised Land."

Today, Congress has stolen your shovels, taxed your donkeys, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land.

That realization is quite depressing. I was so depressed last night thinking about health care plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, lost savings, Social Security and retirement funds I called a suicide hotline.

 I had to press 1 for English. I was connected to a call center in Pakistan. I told them I thought I was suicidal. They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck. Folks, we are in deep trouble.

A few closing thoughts:

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

   Election day is coming. I’m just sayin’….


Behind the Pine Curtains is a series of anedotes compiled and edited by Herald-Press Publisher Gary Connor.


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Re: Promised Land
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 10:24 PM »
Sorry to hear that you felt so depressed.

But if you have the concrete proof that Hayek's economic theories work better than those of Keynes, as you sound to have, write an economics paper and get famous. That will make you much less suicidal than the Pakistani guys.


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Re: Promised Land
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 07:40 PM »
Sorry to hear that you felt so depressed.

But if you have the concrete proof that Hayek's economic theories work better than those of Keynes, as you sound to have, write an economics paper and get famous. That will make you much less suicidal than the Pakistani guys.

  And perhaps if you had read the whole post, you would have seen who the author was....  Either way, I still agree with his writings, Keynes or not.


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Re: Promised Land
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 08:30 PM »
Ah Keynes... As long as there are trees for paper, there's always money to be had! :P

Too bad the aliens found the Keynesian economists first when they landed... Otherwise they may have thought that there was intelligent life on Earth. :P

Ben Bernanke goes to a pizza restaurant. The waiter asks him if he'd like his pizza sliced in 6 or 8 pieces. Bernanke says, "8~! I'm really hungry today!" ;D
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Re: Promised Land
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 01:23 AM »
 And perhaps if you had read the whole post, you would have seen who the author was....  Either way, I still agree with his writings, Keynes or not.

Uh, that line looks like a signature liNe, so I must have omitted it :)

ed: corrected typo (see the letter N, it was k)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 07:49 AM by eleman »


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Re: Promised Land
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 05:29 AM »
I dont know enough about economics to argue any side, but I know enough to ask questions.

Yeah, the current system is not convincing (and I wouldn't call myself a fan), but a lot (most?) of it's current problems are related to lack of sensible regulation of the financial institutions. Which started in the time of a 1980's US president that was a big supporter of Hayeks ideas. (I'm trying to keep this to economics rather than politics.) The 80's ended with a recession, I was there myself at the time but dont actually know why (people think) that recession happened.

IIUC, Germany (by extension, to a certain extent, the EU as well) is using at least some of the principles of Hayek/Austrian politics - one could claim that Germany's current relative success is related to that, but I would say not. (I can elaborate on that if anyone wants. It's obvious that the EU at any rate, is no success story.)
On a couple of occasions in the last two years, it seemed to be print money or collapse, for the EU. So, the ECB 'printed' money. It was all hoarded by the banks anyway, but I guess it helped on some sort of psychological level. [There's hope, we can print money! lol]

Sometimes I think no matter whatever money 'system' is in place, it's all grounded in belief anyway. This must not be a bad thing. But us humans do tend to be a bit all over the place (panic! buy! sell! bury! [money or head :p] etc. etc)


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Re: Promised Land
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2012, 07:09 PM »
  I do know that reading about economics and economic theories makes my head hurt.  My dad was a master of that stuff, it's what he did for a living, I could never really wrap my mind around it all.  We were just wired totally different.
  I would think those economist with doctorates would mostly all be stinking rich.  They didn't get that doctorate from not knowing how to make money.  lol