Hi everyone. Thanks for the feedback!
1. Don't confuse the "limits of the time" with gameplay. Think of Star Trek. When the captain orders "All Stop", he isn't telling the helmsman to "turn around and thrust in the opposite direction and hope you don't drift into something". If I plan a strategic spot to be, I wanna bang a key (numberpad zero?) so I instantly stop right there, facing the same way. Reverse thrusters would be nice too.
2. Where is the teleport? The Oh-$hit option when all that maneuvering didn't work was "hyperspace-and-hope".
As I said, I'm not really looking for feature requests right now so that I can avoid feature creep and just keep my goal of making a complete game within two weeks. That's not to say that your ideas aren't good ones--I think they would be quite useful and fun, actually--It's just that time constraints prevent me from spending time implementing and testing out a lot of features. Thanks for trying it out, though.

No bugs encountered, maybe a little one - when I reached level 3 or 4, the big asteroids appeared relatively close to me or the ship was going too fast and I exploded like 1/2 second after they appeared.
That's not really a bug. It's more of a design flaw, I suppose. The asteroids spawn positions are predefined. So if you are in a spawn location and one happens to spawn there, you die. I used to have the game reset the ship's position back to the center of the screen where it was safe at the beginning of each level, but I felt that interrupted the flow of the game too much. But maybe it would be better if I put that back in?
The pause didn't work. Died there.
Erm.. Yeah. I didn't implement a pause feature when you bring up the menu in-game. Maybe I should do that.

But, seems pretty good. You might want to up the difficulty level, or add difficulty levels as I was able to play pretty easily, and I usually die pretty fast.
I liked the graphics. Nicely done.
The spacecraft seemed to have some pixleation around the edges, but it wasn't too bad.
The explosions were fantastic.-Renegade
Thanks. I didn't really do any of the graphics, so I can't take credit for them. And yes, the ship does seem a bit jaggy. I wonder if it's the texture I've used for it. . .
How can it be made more difficult? Faster asteroids? More asteroids? I figured the early levels would be easy enough, but once you get a lot of asteroids on screen it would be tough.
I'll echo the nice graphics and explosions. The thing about newtonian physics in asteroids was that you could accelerate continuously and continue to gain acceleration- you might want to think about if you want to go full newtonian, not newtonian, or keep it as is. I'll definitely echo the difficulty level, and not sure what you are going to do for long term playability- after a few levels, the sameness sets in. Also, a way in the application to adjust the volume other than on or off would be nice. But nice first shot.
Thanks for the feedback. Since a lot of what you said is echoing what others have said, I'll refer you to my earlier responses for my response to those things.

Is the audio way too loud by default? I'll see if I can do something to fix this. (I also realized that the game doesn't save your audio settings, so they default to on (and loud) each time you start the game!)
As for the Newtonian physics, I think the original asteroids had a max speed. But maybe it was much higher than what I've currently got it to be? It's been a long time since I played the original, so I'm just going off of memory. I'd like to keep it how it is (not newtonian, with a max speed) but perhaps increasing the maximum speed would make it more fun and help with the difficulty issue?