Late to the fray - again! - but thought I'd mention a few things that have been recent encounters.
For the last while, I've been in the thrall of the Medical Monsters. Been tied to a most uncomfortable horizontal sleeping - hah! - platform by a significant number of tubes, needles, tapes, and other such accouterments of allowed torture. My only means of external communication to the outside world were a phone (Galaxy S3) and a tablet (Google's Nexus 7). Granted, neither of these is MS, but there were some awakenings, in spite of the staff, on the nature(s) of hardware and its capabilities.
While my observations apply directly only to Android devices, in large they apply to all.
A tablet, regardless the OS, is a consumer device ... it does not work for development. Any development requires significant input that simply cannot be accomplished unless you have the lifespan of Methuselah. In fact, any significant communication requires that same degree of endeavour. Anything beyond SMS limits is simply not practical.
What does that have to do with Win8? I've been running a pre-RTM version with VBox (Virtual Box) for some time. Doing it on a laptop, so have had no access to touch features. It's fun for playing, but there's not yet enough development for any real creation environments.
Regarding development, there's yet a lot of work to be done - it will happen, but it ain't there yet.
I'm waiting for the real Win8 tablets to be released - not the RT versions - and I'll get some version of them, depending upon what's offered. But, for now, any tablet is a toy unless all you want is to browse the Web or send SMS. Having Win8 as an OS will not change anything as regards tablet capabilities, and I'm looking forward to Win's penchant for getting things right the 3rd time. Just hope it's soon. Win8 is fun, but it ain't productive.