To those who pull strings, ongoing violent crime is a win-win. Especially for the proponents of expanded government authority.
Alas, this is a hard truth.
In fact I would not doubt that the bulk of the recent hacking attacks by Anonymous and it's subsidaries, have in fact been the handiwork of government operatives running covert. -SeraphimLabs
I've suspected as much. Especially anything that claimed to have penetrated major government or military networks.
Breaking news of such things drives people into a security frenzy, and after their local IT department informs them that the best isn't perfect, they turn to the government to put a stop to such wrongdoings. Which of course means more hassle for the honest people on the internet, as regulations and intrusions into privacy become the main event.
Every tyranny has had it's birth in a national emergency.
The Roman emperors gained their power when the Roman Republic willingly handed it over to them in the face of a military emergency. Hitler rode into power following the Reichstag Fire. Queen Elizabeth gained her real power (and created the first modern police state) in response to the demands of her own subjects to deal with the threat from Spain and the Roman Church. And the United States threw out it's Constitution, and systematically betrayed every one of it's founding principles, first with the Civil War, then with the Cold War, and then finally and completely with the advent of the "War on Terror" - while the members of the Senate and Congress cheered. Incidently, the "War on Terror" really isn't a 'war' so much as it's a marketing tool. It's the newest riff on the concept of the "endless war." Something effectively put to good use by none other than Chairman Mao. (Since every revolution eventually becomes a new power - which in turn sets the stage for the
next revolution - the most efficient way to avoid a counter-revolution is to make sure the current "revolution" never ends. Sweet!)
Too bad most people can't be bothered to think about history.
Too bad most people can't be bothered to think.