First - to reduce costs and to set the bar lower for production, set the minimal costs at B&W artwork. Then have a stretch goal for color. Maybe the baseline could also use clip art type art- and a stretch goal for original art. You could also have stretch goals for a better stock of cards. I guess what I'm saying is to take your goal for the cards, and reduce it to the bare minimum to give it a better chance of getting funded. Then the stretch goals make it better. There's also expansions as stretch goals.
As far as perks - something special to denote the judge could work. One level for the basic game with no cards- just the rules and templates. One for the full game, and one for the full game with overproduction type stuff, i.e. tokens included (which could instead be a stretch goal). Perhaps by default the tokens could be a punch-out sheet, then as a donation level the tokens become chits instead. Or that could be a stretch goal.
There's also the non game perks, i.e. artwork, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
What I find is that there seem to be a couple of schools of thought:
1. Make different perk levels to get people to get involved at a higher level, or
2. Make more stretch goals to get more people involved
It's just a matter of finding a balance between the two, though I think the second is better. A low level to get in (with an underproduced game), then stretch goals to make it as extravagant as the player base wants it will get you two things: (1) a larger player base and (2) the production costs on the extras will be less.
(Also, I like writing this stuff down... I'm still working through my kickstarter idea, and bandying these sorts of decisions around... so this helps me vocalize stuff also.