I'm fearful that the police state will lock down communications (the Internet) and control the propaganda machine (the mainstream media) with such incredible technological skill and so well that it will plunge humanity into darkness forever.
Don't be.
Nothing taken by force is ever kept.
And the more advanced the technology, the more brittle the system that controls it.
Superior firepower didn't defeat the Viet Cong.
Superior firepower, satellite surveillance/communications networks, and advanced military intelligence didn't defeat the Taliban or al Quaeda to date.
A full fledged police state that was also one of the greatest military powers the world had ever seen didn't keep the Eastern Bloc or the Soviet Union intact. Or defeat the Afghans.
In the immortal words of Hassan-i Sabbāh (roughly translated from 11th century Persian): Ain't nothing so heavy it can't be knocked on its ass - and everything is cool, Baby!
It's all a matter how you look at things. That and taking the time to actually look.
I really hope that you're right...
When I look at things, I see the technocratic elite using technologies that most people think are only in science fiction. Their arsenal of psychological weapons is extremely powerful. Just watch the next US election for the proof. People will vote for Obomney or Robama, thinking that it makes a difference. And they really believe that it makes a difference. Truly and deeply believe. The ability of the technocratic elite to control people's minds is just, well, mind-blowing.
We have an education system that is designed to destroy creativity and individual thought, and mold people into obedient slaves.
We have a controlled media that gets paid to advertise/propagandize for the interests of foreign powers and private interests, and they call it "news".
We have surrendered control of the money system to private interests, and become slaves to debt - an imaginary concept that has no corporeal existence beyond the ability of a group of armed thugs to assault, kidnap, forcibly confine, and murder people.
We have been conned into believing that it is possible for someone to own an idea.
<-- This is on topic. We think that it's a good thing to pay a large band of thugs to rob and steal from us, so that other, usually individual thugs or small bands of thugs, don't rob and steal from us.
We spend money that we don't have, to pay for shit that we don't need, to impress people that we don't even like.
We believe in fictional stories designed to keep us in fear so that we don't try anything new or different.
We accept the most ridiculous notions as hard fact, then fight anyone who tries to expose the truth.
I'm not so sure that a greater lock on people's minds can be broken when the vast majority of people are unwilling to have their minds freed.
However, I am finding that there are people out there that are awake and are realizing what it going on. So, it's not entirely hopeless. But I think we're pretty much at the brink of a technologically powered enslavement that once locked, will never be broken. For ever.
We need the People's version of 9-11 that we can chant as a meme.
Well, now that you brought it up...
It is 911. The official story is complete bunk. For Star Wars fans:
For fantasy fans:
For wrestling fans:
This is an orange (2:18):
Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth:
http://www.ae911truth.org/http://www.facebook.com/ae911truthhttp://www.digitaljo...332972#ixzz27YHYXqYQPilots for 911 Truth:
http://pilotsfor911truth.org/911: A Conspiracy Theory (Absolutely hilarious~! Really, this is one of the funniest videos I've ever seen!
) :
http://www.corbettre...a-conspiracy-theory/ <---= Has transcript of video.
I'm DYING to post some of the jokes in there... but resisting... No spoilers!
Oh dammit... Just one little bit... In a spoiler...
If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever.
This has been a public service announcement by: the Friends of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, SEC, MSM, White House, NIST, and the 9/11 Commission. Because Ignorance is Strength.
It is pretty much impossible to actually look at any amount of evidence and still believe the official story. Anyone who believes it simply hasn't looked at *ANY* facts.
The big question then is, "Was 911 an inside job?"
Probably. It's not like Al Quaida has the power to ground the entire US air force and keep it grounded. That kind of needs an insider. And it's pretty unlikely that Al Quaida could rig WTC7 for a controlled demolition. And if you can't handle a small Cessna, you probably can't handle a commercial air liner. And fires that burn hot enough to melt steel you'd probably expect to burn a paper passport. And magical jet fuel fires that burn above any temperature that any jet fuel has ever burned before... And magical fires that manage to collapse buildings perfectly into their own footprint... and... the list goes on and on and on... So, yeah, probably was an inside job.
The sooner people just face the facts and wake up the better.
The question then is, "If 911 was an inside job, what does that say about our governments?"