you still haven't advised what this is for or how/why you think you might be going to use it, but I'm pretty sure manic time won't do what you seem to be asking for...
If I understand it correctly then what you want is something that effectively takes a snapshot of your system state (ie active windows/applications, task status, etc) at predefined intervals, and gives you the option to go back to a nominated point in the past (ie active windows/applications, task status, etc). This would effectively undo anything/and everything you might have done in the intervening period.
And if I understand it correctly then I suspect you're going to be sol (sadly, out of luck...)
Closest alternative I can think of off the top of my head would be to take a screenshot every 5 seconds or so, and while this wouldn't provide you with any sort of go back functionality, you would at least be able to see what you were doing x minutes ago...