It's getting very much like a barter system, eh?
Which is good.
It's pretty easy to see the major contributors to the site and who should be major recipients of $DCs, but like you said, the beauty of this system is that the scale goes right down.
For example: you could implement System Donations, eg:
- 0.1 DC for each post in recognition of the benefit made to the site as a whole
- 1.0 DC for each mini-review
- ...
which could come out of the 50% redistribution of the donation.
I'd image most people would pass those System generated points to the major contributors or other funds anyway, but it seemed like a community-based way to distribute the points.
I guess if there was a large group project it would also come in handy as someone could contribute to the project and the project team would then redistribute the donations amongst the team members as per their agreement.
The other thing that comes to mind is that anyone can then make some sort of goods or service available and be donated to: but that's back to my original "
barter system" again: Person A has made a font, Person B has drawn some icons, Person C has written a library and Person Z has used them in his programme (and made suitable DonationCredits).
I think you're right: it can be
good fun!