Interesting. It pronounced "Floccinaucinihilipilification" pretty well. I'd keep the "nihili" with short i's where it had long i's, but hey, it works!
For "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" it was bang on!
It butchered "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", but it was recognizable. The stresses there were pretty bizarre.
It got "jujube" right. (The final "e" isn't pronounced, which is a mistake that many English speakers make. i.e. jew-jew-bee is wrong.)
No results at all for "frack", however it got "fracking" right.
It had long o's for the first o's in "otorhinolaryngologist" where I'd use short o's. (I think that's a Canadian vs. British pronunciation issue.)
It could use an autofocus on it though as it's a pain to click in the box. Still, it's very well done.